2023年3月17日 · 0:00 Introduction0:52 Build1:22 Suffering..1:38 1st Match2:12 2nd Match3:13 3rd Match6:28 Final MatchTags ignore#yba #yba1v1s #ybasbr #roblox #uzukee #y...
2023年9月27日 · [YBA] Sptw + Vamp in Steel Ball Run... I didn't realize I did a SPTW Vamp vid on the old vamp and not the new vamp, so this is my updated spec version. Like + Sub if you enjoyed :D.
[YBA] SPTW Vamp is unkillable (1 SHOT COMBOS) - YouTube
Using Star Platinum The World Vamp on YBADiscord server: https://discord.gg/yhwXw6MGMusic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2fmArRXjp8&ab_channel=zettairyoui...
Star Platinum: The World/Combos and Tips
SPTW is a raw damage stand - The playstyle involves hitting hard and waiting out cooldowns. You want to be able to consistently parry. The moves you cannot parry are the barrage, Platinum Slam and Skull Crusher (3/6), you CAN parry Ora Kicks but due to it's speed when maxxed it's almost impossible to do so intentionally.
Star Platinum: The World - Your Bizarre Adventure Wiki
Star Platinum: The World is an evolved Stand that takes on the appearance of its former evolution: Star Platinum. From the anime adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, SP:TW's design is that of Star Platinum but swapped with Brighter colors to …
Best stand I should use with vamp? | Fandom - Your Bizarre …
2021年11月2日 · You can just go for TW I suppose, that way you can evolve it into TWOH Vamp which is also really good, and it gives you something to grind for instead of just doing SBR for the sake of it, also, TW Vamp is top tier lol
Tier list based off how good a stand is with vamp
2021年7月20日 · The only real way you can beat SC Vamp is with Epitaph or Time Stop because it has so many combos for any situation (including a cheese inf combo) that its surprising nobody uses it. I also used to use WS Vamp but WS is garbage so I stopped using it
I need help c-moon or sptw?? : r/YourBizarreAdventure - Reddit
2021年7月20日 · If you use BTD hamon, than either stand would work fine, if you use BTD vamp might wanna get c-moon because SP:TW vamp is really bad and c-moon vamp is actually pretty viable. However even if we ignore the issue of specs, it also depends on the type player you are and the player your fighting.
[YBA] Sptw + Vamp in Steel Ball Run... - YouTube
2023年4月29日 · Sptw + Vamp in Steel Ball Run is Pretty Good....Sub Goal : ⭐170,000⭐🤠 Make sure to Like and Subscribe! 🤠Your Bizarre Adventure : https://www.roblox.com/g...
What is the best spec for sp:tw : r/YourBizarreAdventure - Reddit
2021年3月20日 · Best spec is roka. I got SPTW today to test the new buff and it’s crazy, kinda surprised how well it performs compared to the last time I used it (which was a few months ago). The combat precision buff does wonders.