Home - Spyra Prime
SPYRA PRIME has been producing complete plastic pipe systems for over 25 years for the construction of pipelines in sectors such as telecommunications, energy and the mining industry.
Start - Spyra Prime
SPYRA PRIME od ponad 25 lat produkuje kompletne systemy rurowe z tworzyw sztucznych mające zastosowanie do budowy rurociągów, w takich sektorach jak: telekomunikacja, …
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SPYRA PRIMO offers end-to-end systems of plastic pipes and fittings, and steel pipes with fixtures for construction of pressure pipelines in mining facilities: CARBOPIPE system SPE …
Primo sells Polish factory Spyra Primo - Inter Primo A/S
2021年1月20日 · Inter Primo A/S has sold its activities in the Polish-based company, Spyra Primo, after 28 years of close cooperation. The goal is to consolidate Primo's strategy around its core …
Primo avyttrar det polska bolaget
2021年1月20日 · Inter Primo A/S har sålt sin verksamhet i det polska bolaget Spyra Primo efter 28 års nära samarbete. Målet är att befästa Primos strategi kring kärnverksamheten: …
SPYRA PRIMO. Plastic ducts for FTTx and Telecom | Alcadon
SPYRA PRIMO are proud of their advanced pipe extrusion processes, state-of-the-art machinery park and ISO 9001 certification, which in the end leads to high quality and innovative products. …
The 25th anniversary of the company SPYRA PRIMO Poland - Spyra Primo
2018年5月13日 · SPYRA PRIMO Poland has been producing complete plastic pipe systems for the construction of pipelines in more than 25 years in such sectors as: telecom, energy, mining …
SPYRA PRIMO Poland Sp. z o. o. has been manufacturing plastic pipes and fittings since 1983 for the construction of telecommunications, underground power cable installations, pipeline …
SPYRA PRIMO offers a whole range of equipment for constructing optical fibre microconduit systems and microcable networks, FTTH networks in particular, including: • PRIMODUCT …
10.2 Spyra Primo 10.2.1 Spyra Primo基本信息、微导管生产基地、销售区域、竞争对手及市场地位 10.2.2 Spyra Primo微导管产品型号、规格、参数及市场应用 10.2.3 Spyra Primo微导管销 …
Primo verkauft die polnische Fabrik Spyra Primo
2021年1月20日 · Die dänische Inter Primo A/S verkauft ihre Anteile an der in Polen ansässigen Spyra Primo nach 28 Jahren enger Zusammenarbeit. Ziel ist es, sich auf das Kerngeschäft - …
INTER PRIMO: Profile manufacturer to focus on core business / …
2021年2月1日 · Profile manufacturer Inter Primo (Copenhagen / Denmark; www.primo.com) has announced the sale of its 49% share in pipe producer Spyra Primo (Mikołówan / Poland; …
Firma SPYRA PRIMO Poland Sp. z o.o. produkuje od 1983 roku rury i kształtki z tworzyw sztucznych do budowy telekomunikacyjnych, energetycznych podziemnych instalacji …
Spyra Primo Catalogue - BCP
BCP is one of the most important distributors of hardware, tools and equipment, workwear, including customized and accident prevention clothing, portable ladders for professional use …
Firma SPYRA PRIMO Poland Sp. z o.o. produkuje od 1983 roku rury i kształtki z tworzyw sztucznych do budowy telekomunikacyjnych, energetycznych podziemnych instalacji …
INTER PRIMO – Plastics Information Europe
INTER PRIMO: Profile manufacturer to focus on core business / Sale of stake in pipe producer Spyra Primo. Profile manufacturer Inter Primo (Copenhagen / Denmark; www.primo.com ) has …
Mikrorury światłowodowe systemu PRIMODUCT - Spyra Prime
SPYRA PRIME od ponad 25 lat produkuje kompletne systemy rurowe z tworzyw sztucznych mające zastosowanie do budowy rurociągów, w takich sektorach jak: telekomunikacja, …
Telecom and Microducts - Page 2 of 3 - Spyra Prime
SPYRA PRIMO Poland is one of the largest European manufacturer of microducts and plastic protective tubes telecommunication. We provide all necessary accessories for the construction …
Firma SPYRA PRIMO oferuje kompleks osprzętu do budowy mikrokanalizacji i mikrosieci światłowodowych, zwłaszcza sieci FTTH: • mikrorury systemu PRIMODUCT: ziemne, …
Firma - Spyra Prime
SPYRA PRIME od ponad 25 lat produkuje kompletne systemy rurowe z tworzyw sztucznych mające zastosowanie do budowy rurociągów, w takich sektorach jak: telekomunikacja, …
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