SQ3R方法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SQ3R 方法是一種提升研習能力的方法,為 美國 俄亥俄州州立大學 心理學 教授羅賓遜(F. P. Robinson)所設計的一套有效讀書方法,於1946年在他的著作 Effective Study 有所提及,主要用於精讀課文 [1][2] [3] 。
The SQ3R Study Method: All You Need to Know - E-Student
2023年2月14日 · SQ3R is an acronym for the five steps of the system: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. The SQ3R study method is based on the information processing theory of …
SQ3R读书法是英语Survey,Question,Read,Recite,Review五个词的第一个字母,分别代表“浏览、发问、阅读、复述、复习”五个学习阶段。 这种读书方法是由美国依阿华大学的罗宾森提出的。 该方法创用后,极受推崇。
What is the SQ3R study method and how to use it? - MIUC
2020年11月17日 · SQ3R is a study method developed on the basis of research in cognitive psychology which promotes enhanced learning of reading material (APA, 2020). SQ3R was proposed by Francis P. Robinson, a prominent American educational psychologist, in his book Effective study (1946).
SQ3R阅读法(世界九大学习方法之四) - 知乎
2021年2月3日 · SQ3R阅读法,也叫做五步读书法,它是罗宾逊一九四六年在他的著作《有效的学习》中提到阅读和学习可以采用五步读书法,SQ3R是英语Survey,Question,Read,Recite,Review五个词的第一个字母,分别代表“浏览、发问…
或许是目前最经典有效的“阅读方法”——SQ3R阅读法 - 知乎
“SQ3R” 由美国教育哲学家弗朗西斯·罗宾逊(Francis P. Robinson)于1946年出版的“ 有效研究 ”(Effective Study)中首次提出。
Understanding the SQ3R Study Strategy - ThoughtCo
2019年2月27日 · SQ3R is an active reading exercise that is designed to help you get a fuller understanding of your reading materials. You will need to keep a pen and some paper on …
A Simple SQ3R Reading Method and Study Strategy
What is SQ3R? SQ3R is a reading strategy first described by Francis Robinson in his 1941 book, Effective Study. The acronym SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. This 5-step reading method is being taught in middle, junior high and high schools across the country as a way of helping students learn more effectively from readings.
Why: Surveying helps you get a bird’s eye view of your reading, so you can see its basic structure and important concepts. When: Before you start reading. Surveying helps you contextualize as you read. The introduction and conclusion (these may be more than one paragraph).
精细阅读的杀手锏——SQ3R阅读法 - 简书
2016年4月1日 · SQ3R方法是一种提升研习能力的方法,为美国俄亥俄州州立大学心理学教授罗宾逊(F. P. Robinson)所设计的一套有效读书方法,于1946年在他的著作Effective Study有所提及,主要用于精读课文 。
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