Squad 404 - IOP Wiki
2024年7月18日 · Squad 404 is an elite Tactical Doll team consisting of SMG UMP45, SMG UMP9, AR HK416 and AR G11, all able to act illegally without human orders. The squad was established after the Butterfly Incident and regularly acted as black ops mercenaries for Griffin and Kryuger [1] [2] and Angelia.
Squad 404 | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Squad 404, also known as 404 Team or 404 in short, is the deuteragonist faction in the Girls' Frontline franchise. They are the group of T-Dolls mercenaries who operated in their missions...
Dier - IOP Wiki
2025年3月2日 · Dier is the main technician of Squad 404 and performs maintenance, repairs and upgrades on their neural clouds and bodies in his own workshop at his parent's mansion, or in underground workshops near the squad's areas of operation. He also provides remote tech support in emergencies.
【少女前线|404小队现实科普】 - 哔哩哔哩
而AR小队队名来自于AR步枪,404小队则是以其执行的任务类型来命名,因为404 not found即“不存在的小队” 类似于在敌后进行渗透和破坏的特种部队,故而404在剧情里和格里芬以及AR小队并不算是同类的势力,虽然经常一起作战
Klukai - IOP Wiki
2 天之前 · She’s now the unquestioned leader of Squad 404, her very presence strikes fear in the heart of her enemies, and she writes victory with a brush of brutality. With an iron fist, she will ensure that Squad 404 is steered firmly on the path to excellence. Such is Klukai, passing like thunder and moving like the wind, living with steel resolve.
Can someone give me spoilers for Squad 404 lore? : r ... - Reddit
2018年8月11日 · Can someone give me spoilers for Squad 404 lore? So the official tweet by the team says they aren't directly part of Grifon but rather a private mercenary group, yet they follow orders from Helian, know numerous Grifon dolls, and more or less are under control by Grifon based on their map 1 night interactions.
少女前线高清壁纸(4k-1080p包含404小队以及AR) - 哔哩哔哩
ar squad. wind. contact. tactical ar15. sop. warehouse. 二次元 壁纸 高清壁纸 少女前线 404 ...
Steam Workshop::Squad 404 L4D2 - Steam Community
2021年9月27日 · Tactical Missions in L4D2 as Squad 404 of Girls' Frontline! relpace SG552 and SOUNDs... The final member of squad 404 is here. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kagarinokirie - Feature: + Replaces Zoey + Anime Shader + Jigglebon...
如何看待少女前线中AR小队和404小队人物设计? - 知乎
[한섭] 404 Squad 서클 망했어요 상장폐지 - 소녀전선2: 망명 채널
2024年12月29日 · 소망챈 인즈, 인증 서클장이, 이. 인사 드립니다, 조조존경하는 지휘관님. 1. 기본적으로 챈서클이니 챈 규칙 지키는 지휘관들. 2. 서클 활동들 열심히 참여해주는 지휘관. 3. 인게임 서클 공지 잘 확인해줄 지휘관. 1. 타당한 사유가 없는 3일 이상 미접 추방. 2. 과업은 가능한 선에서 매일매일 해주기! 3. 흙먼지 전선 주기당 총 9회 이상 해주기 (3회차는 사랑해!, 최소 8회 이상 하기) 일요일마다 과업 횟수 세서 3회 이하일시 추방. 이 공지에 댓글로 UID와 이름 작성해주면 …