SQUELCH中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
SQUELCH翻译:声音, (如走在湿软土地上似的)发吧唧声,发扑哧声, 制止, (迅速)制止,遏制, (厉言)把…镇住,使不再出声, (如走在湿软土地上似的)发吧唧声,发扑哧声。 了解更多。
squelch - 搜索 词典
镇压;压碎;〈口〉压倒对方的议论 [回答];反驳得对方不再作声. v. 发吧唧声;制止;压制;遏制. n. v. 1. (+ adv./prep.) 2. 1. First, she could live up to her non-materialistic ideals and squelch her love of clothes. 第一个 选择, 她 可以 按照 不 物质 化 的 想法 生活, 克制 对 衣服 的 热爱。 2. Attempts by authorities to squelch digital communications as a way of managing unruly gatherings have largely backfired.
squelch - 百度百科
squelch是什么意思_squelch的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在 …
Her wet shoes squelched at every step. 她的鞋里进了水,走一步吧唧一声。 We squelched across the muddy field. 我们扑哧扑哧地穿过泥泞的田地。 [常用单数形式]He pulled his foot out of the mud with a squelch. 他扑哧一声从烂泥里拔出脚来。 He squelched across the turf... 他扑哧扑哧地走过草皮。 His sodden trousers were clinging to his shins and his shoes squelched. 他湿透的裤子紧贴小腿,鞋子吧唧作响。
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 squelch是什么意思_squelch的中文解释和 …
squelch - WordReference.com 英汉词典
intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes ." "He has arrived ." We squelched through the thick mud as the rain continued. transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, " Say something." "She found the cat." I squelched a laugh when Max tripped over his own foot. 有所遗漏? 报告错误或提出改进建议.
squelch 中文是什么意思 - 查查在线翻译
squelch circuit 【无线电】噪声抑制 [无噪声]电路。 She squelched them with biting sarcasm . 她用尖刻的挖苦话使人哑口无言。 I could hear his broken shoes squelching in the water . 我可以听到他的破鞋在水中格喳格喳作响。 Five proposals were made and each was squelched by the manager . 提出了五项建议,每一个都被经理压了回去。 The water buffalo squelched up and down the paddy fields , pulling the plough .
SQUELCH中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary
squelch的發音是什麼? SQUELCH翻譯:聲音, (如走在濕軟土地上似的)發吧唧聲,發撲哧聲, 制止, (迅速)制止,遏制, (厲言)把…嘴巴堵住,使不再出聲, (如走在濕軟土地上似的)發吧唧聲,發撲哧聲。 了解更多。
squelch中文,squelch的意思,squelch翻譯及用法 - 英漢詞典
發表於4月8號《immunity》上的文章利用免疫系統的內置安全裝置,一組起調控作用的t細胞來抑制過度的免疫反應。 this is why i now recommend a healthy diet if you plan to squelch acne. 這就是為什么我現在推薦一種健康的飲食習慣,如果您打算壓服痤瘡。 maintain your enthusiasm no matter what happens. if you do this, little things won」t inhibit your progress. even big disappointments can「t squelch true enthusiasm . 無論發生什么事都保持熱情。
squelch - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果
把……鎮住;壓制;使不知所措而不再出聲 Donald Trump raised his hand in protest, but his voice was squelched by the angry yells from the crowd. 川普舉起手來抗議,但他的聲音被群眾慎怒 …
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