Automobile Romanesti - Roman - SR 7 BA-1
SR 7 BA-1 era o versiune de 7 tone, cu cabina avansata, folosind mecanica de la SR 113 - motor V8, benzina, 5025 cmc, 140 CP, 4x2, cutie de viteze cu 5 trepte, treptele 2, 3, 4 si 5 fiind sincronizate (optional, cutia de viteze putea fii cuplata cu o cutie suplimentara - reductor, sau, axa spate putea fii echipata cu 2 trepte de reductie ...
钛酸锶钡铁电陶瓷介电调谐性能研究进展 | CERADIR 先进陶瓷在线
2021年9月28日 · Sr对Ba的取代导致了晶格中Ti-O-Ti键的扭曲变形,并认为这是材料介电性能变化的主要原因。 表1 不同Ba/Sr(摩尔比)的 BST介电性能(频率为10kHz) [5] 对于薄膜材料,其结构和介电性能受到组分、基片、电极、成膜工艺等因素影响。
Single crystal growth of (Ba1−xSrx)2Zn2Fe12O22 from high …
1987年6月1日 · The nucleation temperature ranges between 1111 and 1243°C, depending strongly on the solubilities of BaO and SrO in the flux. The X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis studies give evidence that (Ba 1−x Sr x) 2 Zn 2 Fe 12 O 22 crystallizes as a homogeneous solid-solution system.
(Ba, Sr)TiO3/polymer dielectric composites–progress and perspective
2021年8月1日 · The microstructure of barium-strontium titanate (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 (BST)/polymer composites with different polymer matrices and the nature of the interface between the BST and polymer matrix is critical in the final dielectric properties.
A promising strontium and cobalt-free Ba1-xCaxFeO3-δ air …
2024年10月15日 · Here, we report a strontium and cobalt-free Ba 0.8 Ca 0.2 FeO 3-δ (BCF82) air electrode with high catalytic activity and electrochemical stability for oxygen reduction/evolution reactions.
固相 增加而线性增加,晶体尺寸也随之增大。光催化性能测试表示,Ba:Sr=7:3时,BST 的带隙最小(Eg=3.027 eV),相较于钛酸钡(3.300 eV) 降低了0.273 eV,产氢速率最大(92.05 μmol/g/h),约为钛
Optical and electrical properties of Ba1−x Sr x TiO3 ... - Springer
2013年4月30日 · Barium strontium titanate (BST) Ba 1−x Sr x TiO 3 nanopowders have been successfully synthesized using oxalate precursor route. The effect of Sr 2+ ion content from 0.3 to 0.7 on the crystal structure, crystallite size, microstructure, electrical and optical properties was systematically studied.
本文通过调控前驱物的浓度和钡锶钛成分比等合成条件,制备了BST纳米级粉体材料。 发现通过增加前驱体的浓度可以有效促进Ba1−xSrxTiO3的形成,在低浓度时会生成BaTiO3或BaTiO3和SrTiO3的混合相粉末。 在前驱体中增加锶的用量有利于Ba1−xSrxTiO3空心球颗粒的生成,在溶剂中加入乙醇会抑制Ba1−xSrxTiO3空心球的形成。 将所制备的Ba1−xSrxTiO3粉体用于光催化降解亚甲基蓝染料溶液,发现Ba1−xSrxTiO3空心球和商用TiO2粉体P25混合用于光催化降解染料具 …
不同Ba/Sr比交替掺杂Ba1-xSrxTiO3薄膜的介电性能,Ceramics …
2019年5月1日 · 摘要 在本报告中,我们系统地研究了具有不同 Ba/Sr 比的交替掺杂 Ba1-xSrxTiO3 薄膜的介电性能。 所有物种都是具有 ABO3 型结构的多晶,主要沿(110)晶面生长,表现出强烈的结晶。
2021年12月16日 · 结果表明:采用溶胶-凝胶法成功制备了具有单一物相的钙钛矿型Ba 1-x Sr x ZrO 3,实现了对Sr的有效晶格固化;当x=1.0时,固化体对Sr的固溶量达到最大;半径较小的Sr 2+ 进入A位取代Ba 2+,导致Ba 1-x Sr x ZrO 3 的晶胞体积和晶胞参数减小,但晶体结构稳定,并保持 …
Crystallization and Texturing of Sr - ACS Publications
Aqueous chemical solution deposition (CSD) is an environmentally friendly and highly flexible fabrication route to prepare oxide thin films. Here, we present an aqueous CSD process for ferroelectric Sr x Ba 1–x Nb 2 O 6 (SBN) thin films on SrTiO 3 (STO) single-crystal substrates.
Photoluminescence Properties of (Ba1- (x+y)SrxEuy)2Si6O12N2 …
(Ba 1- (x+y) Sr x Eu y) 2 Si 6 O 12 N 2 oxynitride phosphors were successfully synthesized by the solid-state reaction method at 1200°C under a H 2 (5%) + N 2 (95%) atmosphere. The Sr 2+ content (x) was varied in the range 0-0.6 and the Eu 2+ content varied in the range 0.05-0.25, with the Si/ (Ba+Sr+Eu) ratio fixed at 3.
本文采用组合材料芯片技术,利用多靶材离子束溅射沉积设备在同一基片上集成制备了不同稀土掺杂、不 同掺杂浓度的Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 颐Re(BST颐Re) 薄膜样品, 研究了稀土(Er、Eu、Pr/Al)离子及其掺杂浓度对样品发光和介电性能的影响. BST 复合靶材制备原料为BaCO3(AR)、SrCO3 (AR, 上海振欣试剂厂产品)、TiO2 (CP)(国药集团上海化学试剂公司产品)...
Manipulation of phase transitions and electrical properties of Ba1 ...
2023年12月1日 · This study investigates the influence of epitaxial orientation on the phase structures and electrical properties of Barium Strontium Titanate (Ba 1-x Sr x TiO 3, BST) thin films by employing a thermodynamic model.
Electric field and aging effects of uniaxial ferroelectrics Sr x Ba1…
2017年9月14日 · Uniaxial REFs with tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) structure such as Sr x Ba 1−x Nb 2 O 6 (SBN) are technologically important materials owing to their remarkably high dielectric, piezoelectric...
Synthesis of nanopowders of (Ba 1− x Sr x )TiO 3 - Academia.edu
A simple direct precipitation method has been developed for the synthesis of nanosized, homogeneous (Ba 1 À x Sr x )TiO 3 [BST] powders from stable precursor solutions. By appropriate control of pH and temperature among other processing variables, single-phase (Ba 1 À x Sr x )TiO 3 is obtained at temperatures less than 100 jC.
Dielectric properties of Ba1-x Sr x ZrO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) nanoceramics ...
The dielectric behaviour of the ceramic nanoparticles was evaluated using impedance analyser with an operating frequency of 1 Hz to 1 MHz. A very high dielectric constant 4915 was obtained for Ba 0.7 Sr 0.3 TiO 3 at 1 Hz frequency with low dielectric loss of 1.91, which showed very good value than the one previously reported.
Structural, dielectric and electronic properties of Ba1
2023年12月1日 · In this research activity, we have synthesized Sr and Zr substituted barium titanate using solid-state reaction method. Furthermore, we have examined the effect of Sr and Zr on the structural as well as dielectric properties of barium titanate.
Effects of Sr dopant and electric field poling on structural, thermal ...
It was found that the substitution of SrTiO 3 to BaTiO 3 significantly influences the properties under investigation, leading to a shift of phase transitions and weakness of the dielectric and ferroelectric properties.
Microwave and infrared dielectric response of tunable Ba1−xSrxTiO3 ...
2009年9月1日 · The dielectric properties, infrared (IR) dielectric response and Raman spectra of tunable microwave (MW) Ba 1−x Sr x TiO 3 (x = 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7) ceramics were studied systematically as functions of composition and temperature.