SR 74, 75 & TR-3B Blk Craft - Edgar Fouche - AboveTopSecret.com
2007年3月10日 · The SR-74 and the TR-3B can deliver spares replacement units or SRUs, service fuels, fluids, and chemicals to the SON-SIV. Then, the robotic SON-SIV uses these deliverables to service, calibrate, repair and replace parts on the newer NSA, CIA, & NRO satellites, which are built to be maintained in space.
SR-72 Darkbird, page 1 - AboveTopSecret.com
2005年8月19日 · The SR-75 is over twice as fast as the SR-71, it can be anywhere in the world in 3 hours. the 75 and 74 were both created by skunkworks. The SR-75 became operational back in 89', and is still highly classified today. [edit on 19-8-2005 by Murcielago]
TR-3B nuclear powered flying triangle - AboveTopSecret.com
2003年1月30日 · The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's first operational flight was in the early 90s. Technology assuredly developed from reverse engineering of recovered alien artifacts and programs such as the SR-74 and SR-75 was used in the TR-3B. At least three of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994.
"Black" Aircaft List, page 1 - AboveTopSecret.com
2005年8月20日 · The reason one of its names it "Mothership" is because it can carry an unmanned aircraft on its back, much like the SR-71 had the D-21. Its called the SR-74 Scramp (its name comes from its propulsion: scramjet). I couldn't find any pictures or renderings of this craft, but its said to be around the same size and weight as the F-16.
American 'Ultra Black' Reversed Engineered Projects
American 'Ultra Black' Reversed Engineered Projects, page 4
The SR-75 and other new airplanes - AboveTopSecret.com
2004年5月17日 · SR was a mistake that just happened to stick (probably because somebody important made it). It was originally RS (Recon/Strike) 71. It makes more sence to have Strike Recon over Recon Strike. I don't think it'd be stupid at all for them to designate the Aurora, the SR-75. I thought the original plan for the SR-71 was the CLR-400 Suntan plan though.
This is the amazing Lockheed Martin SR-72—the space Blackbird
2013年11月25日 · The SR-72 proposal has two entirely different engines, fed by the same inlet. The Skylon has one engine which can be either air-breathing or a rocket for propulsion from Mach 5.5 to orbit. If you look at a cutaway of the Skylon design, most of the volume is taken up by the liquid hydrogen fuel tank for the rocket phase.
New Coca-Cola Commercial and Rock Sellouts
2005年7月23日 · Find me one person who didn't pick up the guitar in jr/sr high for money and fame. Now to a jr/sr high kid the money and fame isn't the world tour to 50,000+ person arenas. Its free beer at the party their playing and maybe finally getting to hook up with that hot chick who digs guys in bands.
Never Told Tales of Blackbirds, U2s and Roadrunners, the Golden …
2010年10月26日 · The aircraft will include the U2, the YF12, A12, CL400 and the SR-71. The Lockheed Blackbird, SR-71, still holds all seventeen world speed and altitude records even though it was designed forty eight years ago. From the failure of the sr-71 competitor (suntan) they developed the engine for rockets engines (RL-10) that are still in production today.
SR71 waits for Concorde, page 1 - AboveTopSecret.com
2013年10月23日 · Also the SR-71 has an 85,000ft ceiling vs. 60,000ft on the Concorde, the question is if the SR-71 really needed for Cuba all its 85K ft. So the scenario with the proximity of Cuba and Venezuela is plausible. The 85,000ft were intended for airspace defended by much more sophisticated SAM systems and others. Cuba for sure did not have that.