California State Route 82 - Wikipedia
State Route 82 (SR 82) is a state highway in the U.S. state of California that runs from Interstate 880 (I-880) in San Jose to I-280 in San Francisco following the San Francisco Peninsula. It is …
SR-82 FACT SHEET. Strontium (Sr-82) Chloride Half-Life: 25.55 days. STRONTIUM-82 RADIOCHEMICAL STRONTIUM . CHLORIDE SOLUTION. Strontium-82 is used exclusively …
DOE IP to end active stand-by capability for strontium-82
2024年4月25日 · The U.S. Department of Energy Isotope Program (DOE IP) is ending the active stand-by capability for strontium-82 (Sr-82). The commercialization of the Sr-82 supply chain …
2022年2月23日 · 韩国原子能研究院(院长朴元锡)21日宣布,成功生产“锶82(Sr-82)”并开发了“铷82(Rb-82)生成器吸附材料。 铷 82 是一种有用的放射性同位素,可用于诊断心肌梗塞等心脏病。
Strontium 82 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
82 Rb is a short-lived radionuclide, with a half-life of only 76 seconds, and is a potassium analog. It enters the myocardium by passive diffusion and active transport, via the adenosine …
Florida State Road 82 - Wikipedia
State Road 82 (SR 82) is a 29-mile-long east–west highway serving northern Lee and Collier County, Florida (and "clipping" the southwest corner of Hendry County).
Strontium Sr-82 | Sr | CID 6337059 - PubChem
2021年10月14日 · Strontium Sr-82 | Sr | CID 6337059 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, …
Strontium-82 production at Los Alamos national laboratory
1987年1月1日 · Strontium-82 has been produced at Los Alamos for almost 10 years using proton-induced spallation of molybdenum metal targets. Irradiations occur at the Los Alamos Meson …
放射性药物生产原料 Sr-82 的提取,Pharmaceutical Chemistry …
描述了一种生产锶 82 的方法,锶在核医学中用于制备用于心血管疾病的正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 诊断的铷 82 发生器。 该方法包括在能量为 40 到 100 MeV 的质子束中辐照天然铷金 …
Strontium-82 Chloride Radiochemical Solution - BWXT Medical …
Strontium-82 Chloride Radiochemical Solution Half-Life: 25.35 days Strontium-82 is incorporated into generators to produce Rubidium-82, a PET agent used in imaging for patients with …