SrSO4 Solubility in Acid - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2021年5月6日 · $\begingroup$ In analytical chemistry books, $\ce{SrSO4}$ is said to be soluble in boiling concentrated $\ce{HCl}$ and $\ce{HNO3}$ solutions. On the other hand, $\ce{BaSO4}$ is said to be soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid, because of the formation of both $\ce{HSO4^-}$ ion and of the complex $\ce{H2[Ba(SO4)_2]}$, which is decomposed by ...
How to determine sulfate ions in a solution by precipitation?
2016年12月16日 · Well-known insoluble sulfate compounds are $\ce{PbSO4, SrSO4, CaSO4}$, and $\ce{BaSO4}$. Note that all of these cations have a somewhat high (+2) charge and are large. Note that all of these cations have a somewhat high (+2) charge and are large.
Precipitation reaction stoichiometry? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
First, I wrote the equation: Sr + SO4 -> SrSo4 (I know this is excluding ions, because I am primarily focused on the stoichiometry part) I figured moles of Na2So4 and Sr(NO3)2, which correspond to moles of strontium. These are .003 moles Na2SO4 and 0.014 moles Sr(NO3)2.
Calcium ion and sulfate did not form precipitate
2019年10月11日 · In fact, the solubilities of $\ce{BaSO4, SrSO4}$ and $\ce{CaSO4}$ are such that a saturated solution of $\ce{SrSO4}$ will always give precipitate when barium is added but never with calcium or strontium; while a saturated solution of $\ce{CaSO4}$ will give a precipitate if either strontium or barium is added but never with calcium.
inorganic chemistry - Identification of lithium and strontium salts ...
2020年4月24日 · This is because $\ce{SrSO4}$ is much less soluble in water than $\ce{Li2SO4}$ ($\pu{0.0132 g}$ versus $\pu{34.8 g}$ in $\pu{100 g}$ of $\ce{H2O}$ at $\pu{20 ^\circ C}$ ). Adding diluted $\ce{HCl_{aq}}$ and $\ce{BaCl2}$ to a solution is commonly used as a test for $\ce{SO4^2-}$ (if it is present, $\ce{BaSO4}$ precipitates).
solubility - MgSO4 is soluble while BaSO4 isn't, what's the role of ...
2022年10月30日 · I came across a question asking the reason behind MgSO4 is soluble while BaSO4 is insoluble in H2O Now, I know Solubility has inverse relation with Lattice energy.
Are there metals that react with sulfuric acid but not hydrochloric …
2016年9月6日 · So for sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, $\ce{SrSO4}$ will form, but $\ce{SrCl2}$ will stay in solution. Therefore, sulfuric acid will react with strontium ion, while hydrochloric acid will not. (Note: strontium metal will react with both.) Edit: I …
Balancing redox reaction by removing spectator ion SO₄²¯
2021年10月1日 · Balancing a reaction equation is a sequential process. One approach is that. you identify the starting materials by their formulae, and the reaction products by theirs.
aqueous solution - What determines whether a double …
2015年11月30日 · In normal displacement reactions, reactivity plays a large role and sometimes the reaction doesn't even happen. So is there anything limiting double displacement reactions? For example $\\ce{2KI + P...
Why doesn't calcium carbonate dissolve in water even though it is …
2014年10月5日 · For an ionic substance to dissolve in water, there are two competing factors that determine the enthalpy of solution $\Delta{H}_\mathrm{sol}$ which is the enthalpy (energy) change when a solute is dissolved in a solvent: