Sri Lanka - Wikipedia
Sri Lanka, [a] historically known as Ceylon, [b] and officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, is an island country in South Asia. It lies in the Indian Ocean, southwest of the Bay of Bengal, separated from the Indian peninsula by the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait.
斯里兰卡(斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国 ... - 百度百科
斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国(The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka),简称斯里兰卡,首都科伦坡,是一个位于南亚次大陆以南印度洋上的岛国,西北隔保克海峡与印度相望。
Sri Lanka | History, Map, Flag, Population, Capital, & Facts
4 天之前 · Sri Lanka, island country lying in the Indian Ocean and separated from peninsular India by the Palk Strait. Proximity to the Indian subcontinent has facilitated close cultural interaction between Sri Lanka and India from ancient times. Sri Lanka gained independence from …
斯里蘭卡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国 (僧伽羅語: ශ්රී ලංකා ප්රජාතාන්ත්රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජය; 坦米爾語: இலங்கை சனநாயக சோஷலிசக் குடியரசு;英語: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka),通称 斯里兰卡 (僧伽羅語: ශ්රී ලංකාව; 坦米爾語: இலங்கை;英語: Sri Lanka),1972年之前称 锡兰,是一个位於 南亞 - 印度次大陸 東南方外海的 島國,属于 亚洲。 官方語言為僧伽羅語 …
15 things to know before traveling to Sri Lanka - Lonely Planet
2024年11月20日 · Most visitors assume the only good time to visit Sri Lanka is from December to April. This is, of course, the high season and the best time to explore the south coast beaches like Unawatuna and Tangalle with calmer seas and sunny, blue skies. However, the weather varies depending on where you are on the island.
斯里蘭卡 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
斯里蘭卡民主社會主義共和國 (僧伽羅語: ශ්රී ලංකා ප්රජාතාන්ත්රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජය; 坦米爾語: இலங்கை சனநாயக சோஷலிசக் குடியரசு;英語: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka),通稱 斯里蘭卡 (僧伽羅語: ශ්රී ලංකාව; 坦米爾語: இலங்கை;英語: Sri Lanka),1972年之前稱 錫蘭,是一個位於 南亞 - 印度次大陸 東南方外海的 島國,屬於 亞洲。 官方語言為僧伽羅語 …
Sri Lanka - Ancient, Colonial, Civil War | Britannica
3 天之前 · Sri Lanka - Ancient, Colonial, Civil War: Sri Lanka has had a continuous record of human settlement for more than two millennia, and its civilization has been shaped largely by that of the Indian subcontinent.
斯里兰卡 - 搜狗百科
2024年11月21日 · 斯里兰卡,全称斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国(The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) [1],旧称锡兰,是个热带岛国,位于印度洋海上, 英联邦成员国之一。 中国古代曾经称其为狮子国、师子国、僧伽罗 [1]。 2500年前,雅利安人移民至锡兰岛建立僧伽罗王朝。 公元前247年,孔雀王朝的阿育王派其子来岛弘扬佛教,受到当地国王欢迎,从此僧伽罗人摈弃婆罗门教而改信佛教。 公元前2世纪前后,泰米尔人也开始迁徙锡兰岛。 5世纪至16世纪, …
Sri Lanka - Island, Culture, History | Britannica
5 天之前 · Sri Lanka - Island, Culture, History: In a new constitution proclaimed in 1972, Ceylon became the Republic of Sri Lanka, while maintaining its link with the British Commonwealth.
Sri Lanka | Culture, Facts & Travel | - CountryReports
3 天之前 · A pear-shaped island in the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka lies 18 miles from India at its closest point. It has an area of 25,332 square miles, a length of 268 miles, and a width of 139 miles. Located in the tropical zone between 5 N and 9 N and between 80 E and 82 E. Sri Lanka has many areas of scenic beauty and historic interest.