TR-1 Temp - Wikipedia
The TR-1 Temp (Russian: Темп-С, Temp-S, meaning 'Speed') was a mobile theatre ballistic missile developed and deployed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was assigned the …
SS-12 Scaleboard | Military Wiki | Fandom
The TR-1 Temp is a mobile theatre ballistic missile developed and deployed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was assigned the NATO reporting name SS-12 Scaleboard and carried …
SS.12/AS.12 - Wikipedia
The SS.12/AS.12 was basically a scaled-up version of the SS.11/AS.11, with a massive increase in range and warhead weight. The SS.12/AS.12 original mission was primarily to be anti …
薄板SS-12 - 百度百科
“薄板”(ss-12)是苏联机动近中程单级液体弹道导弹,是“飞毛腿b”(ss-1c)导弹的改进型,长度不变,但直径大些,射程远些。 1967年11月在莫斯科红场阅兵式上首次展出。
SS.12武器系统 - 舰R百科,玩家自由编辑的战舰少女R百科
ss.12是法国在1960年服役的反坦克导弹。 与前代产品 SS.11 一样,SS.12使用线导制导,不过射程与战斗部重量都比前代有所增加,射程增加到8km,战斗部增加到28kg。
TR-1 / SS-12 SCALEBOARD - Russian / Soviet Nuclear Forces
The SS-12 SCALEBOARD, in service since the mid-1960s, was replaced beginning in 1979 with a new missile that had the same range (900 km) with improved accuracy. Initially considered to …
スネークスコープSS-12 | 工業設備測定器 - 製品情報 - 計測器のカ …
水がかかっても安心な、IP67準拠の防水フレキシブルチューブ採用。 フレキシブルチューブ部は、脱着・交換も可能。 microSDカード対応。 画像や動画を保存・再生できます。 暗所を明 …
Discontinued Coffee Center Brew Basics - Cuisinart
ss-12 Get the best of both worlds with the dual brew options with the Cuisinart ® Coffee Center ™ Brew Basics. The fully programmable coffeemaker lets you choose the amount you brew with …
博物馆里的俄罗斯SS-12中程导弹 亮点自寻_网易军事 - 163
2020年3月12日 · 莫斯科中央武装力量博物馆的“薄板”(ss-12)近中程单级液体弹道导弹,是“飞毛腿b”(ss-1c)导弹的改进型,长度不变,但直径大些,射程远些。 1967年11月在莫斯科红场阅兵式 …
SS·12 - 百度百科
SS·12由法国国营航空航天工业公司战术导弹分公司研制的一种重型反坦克导弹,由SS·11改进发展而来,可用于攻击坦克、装甲车辆、舰艇及其它硬壁防御工事。 主要用于机载发射,攻击 …