SCP-469 - SCP Foundation
SCP-469 appears to "feed" exclusively on sound waves, using the energy gained from sound to grow newer and bigger wings and feathers, as well as repairing damaged ones. The louder the sound and/or the higher the frequency, the faster SCP-469 grows.
SCP-469 - 萬翼天使 - SCP基金會
SCP-469似乎僅需以聲音和聲波為食,並能夠利用在聲音中獲得的能量來生長更大的翅膀和羽毛。 聲音越大和/或頻率越高,SCP-469的生長速度越快。
SSIS-469 和青梅竹馬交往 但其實女友姐姐一直都很喜歡我 狂亂無 …
SSIS-469 和青梅竹馬交往 但其實女友姐姐一直都很喜歡我 狂亂無內褲誘惑 小宵虎南 2 年前 7 672 256
SCP-469又名“萬翼天使”, SCP基金會 系列中的超自然生物之一。 是一危險的Keter級實體,以音波為食,可從中攝取能量使羽翼更新成長,但其自身不會發出任何聲音,因此被收容於一間隔音密室中。
SCP-ZH-469 - 酒單:Four Loko - SCP基金會
2024年6月1日 · 劉善俠以手上重組成撬狀的SCP-ZH-469,將書櫃移開,顯現後方的通路,隨即跳起並加速飛入通路,趙禮竺隨即站起追趕,真紀副主任走到書櫃,嘗試操作書櫃上的機關。
SCP-469 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-469 is a ball of feathers that reveals a small human figure inside; SCP-469 feeds on sounds, to create new feathers. If a person gets too close, SCP-469 will immobilize him and then inject him with a substance that will cause pain and then will kill him.
SCP-469, Old and New Takes - How do They Compare? : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年8月3日 · While the answer is a simple 'I prefer the original,' the reason is a bit longer than that, as follows: The original is considered to have been heavily lacking due to its vagueness and the use of [Redacted] in its incident log, it not specifying anything past 'it wakes up and stuff happens' feeling far too vague for some.
SCP-469 - The Codex
2025年3月1日 · SCP-469 feeds off of sound waves and acts much like a predator-animal, enveloping its wings around its victim and stabbing into the victim to make them screa out in pain so it can feed off their sound waves. Name: SCP-469. Other Names: Many-Winged Angel. Origin: SCP Foundation. First Appearance: SCP-469 File log. Company: SCP Foundation.
Scp-469 • Kitsune • | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
Scp-469 was found in southeast of a small Japanese village, villagers had report men going missing and women being disemboweled of their internal organs by scp-469.
SCP-469 | Wiki Fundação SCP | Fandom
No centro da massa SCP-469 há uma grande criatura humanoide, enrolada em uma posição fetal, à qual todas as asas estão presas à sua coluna vertebral. SCP-469 parece alimentar-se exclusivamente de sons e ondas de sonoras, usando a energia adquirida, para crescer as asas e as penas tornando-as mais novas e maiores.
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