MUI Goku vs SSJB Gogeta - Battles - Comic Vine
2019年1月6日 · Broly and SSJB Gogeta's punch brought them back to there dimension when there hits collided and Broly did dodge some key blasts. Gogeta had the upper hand but I don't …
SSJB Vegeto ( Black Goku arc ) vs SSJG Gogeta ( DBS Broly )
2019年2月1日 · In the Broly movie, Goku & Vegeta SSJB are stronger than they was during the T.o.p. Base Gogeta > SSJB Goku & Vegeta (Broly movie) > UIO1 Goku >= Suppresed Jiren …
DBS: Vegito Blue vs SS Broly - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年12月20日 · Zamasu Arc SSJB Vegito was a pre top training ssjb vegeta + mastered ssjb goku, Fusion. While the Broly Movie was a fusion of two mastered ssjblue. Broly Movie SSJB …
SSB Vegito vs Broly - Battles - Comic Vine
The idea of SSJB Gogeta harnessing the Power of the Oozaru is insane. But Vegito, being Zamasu Arc, doesn't stand a chance against LSSJ Broly; he might get away with SSJ Broly, …
DBS Broly (Wrath) vs SSJ4 Goku - Battles - Comic Vine
2020年3月8日 · Broly wins. He was handily above ssg and almost a match for mastered ssb goku. That puts him capable of handling mftl galaxy level beings while ssj4 is more in the ftl+ Star …
Base Broly vs SSJ4 Gogeta - Battles - Comic Vine
2020年9月19日 · DBS Broly in base form was beating the breaks off of God Goku and this is a goku who is way stronger than BOG goku. Read the OP. This is before Broly got his Oozaru …
Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken X20 Goku vs Super Saiyan Broly
2020年11月11日 · DBS Broly one shots Goku and Vegeta and then gets one shotted by Z Broly. huh? 4 years ago. LilYeezyWest. Follow 1019. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki Points. 0. Followers. …
SSJ Broly vs SSJ Gogeta - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine
2021年6月28日 · SSJ Gogeta did have an edge over SSJ Broly until the later turned LSSJ forcing Gogeta to turn SSB. 2 years ago. calljhonthanapp. Follow 1369. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki Points. …
Super Vegito vs Broly SSJ3 - Battles - Comic Vine
2021年3月11日 · The Legendary Super Saiyan 3 transformation has only been used in video games. Broly has achieved this form in Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Battlers, Raging Blast series, …
SSJBK Goku and SSJB Evolution Vegeta vs SSJ Broly
2019年9月12日 · Normal SSJ? Goku and Vegeta stomp. Normal SSJ Broly doesn’t have the feats to deal with a Goku that’s up to 20x stronger than the one he was fighting + a Vegeta that’s on …