Founded locally on Dec 1998. Together We Raise Value. Trust & Confidence in our people. Catch our recent Happenings and connect with us! Making the world. more connected, integrated, …
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing - Wikipedia
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd. (more commonly known as SSMC) is a Singaporean semiconductor fabrication company located in Pasir Ris Wafer Fab Park. It was incorporated in 1999 and is a joint venture between NXP Semiconductors (until …
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC) is an 8 inch wafer fabrication facility founded in 1998. It is a joint venture of NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NXP) and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). Manufacturing began in 2000 and to date, SSMC has grown into a sought after provider of provider wafer fabrication and foundry ...
Founded locally on Dec 1998, SSMC (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd.), is a Joint Venture between NXP and TSMC. We offer flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions by maintaining fully equipped SMIF cleanroom environment, 100% equipment automation and proven wafer-manufacturing processes.
Founded locally on Dec 1998, SSMC (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte. Ltd.), is a Joint Venture between NXP and TSMC. We offer flexible and cost effective semiconductor fabrication solutions by maintaining fully equipped SMIF cleanroom environment, 100% equipment automation and proven wafer-manufacturing processes.
2006年10月11日 · NXP半导体日前宣布在完成从皇家飞利浦独立程序后的三个月内将购买SSMC(System on Silicon Manufacturing Co. Pte. Ltd.)的部分股份,该股份目前由新加坡经济发展投资私人有限公司(EDB Investments Pte. Ltd.) 所持有。SSMC位于新加坡, 是由飞利浦、台积电及新加坡经济发展投资私人 ...
NXP in Singapore - NXP Semiconductors
2017年9月10日 · In 1998, Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC) was founded by NXP (then Philips) and TSMC. A research and development center was added in 2007 to focus on specialized manufacturing processes as well as automotive, near field communication (NFC) and RF markets.
台積公司全球佈局新據點SSMC公司耗資十二億美元的新加坡半導 …
Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company (SSMC)今 (11)日宣佈正式啟用其耗資十二億美元建置的晶圓廠,新加坡貿工部部長楊榮文 (George Yeo)並蒞臨主持典禮。 SSMC公司係由台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司、飛利浦半導體股份有限公司 (Philips Semiconductors)及新加坡經濟開發投資局 (EDBI ; Economic Development Board Investments)共同投資於新加坡設立。 SSMC晶圓廠甫於十七個月前動土,但目前已完成第一筆訂單交易,此舉在半導體產業創下新記錄。 此 …
SSMC LTD overview - Find and update company information
SSMC LTD - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity
新加坡半導體業者-晶圓系統公司 (Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company, SSMC…
SSMC為台積電與恩智浦半導體 (NXP)合資設立之子公司,據相關資料指出,恩智浦持股約6成,而台積電持股約4成。 SSMC斥資3億星元設立Annex 10,以進一步擴大在新加坡業務。 Annex …