Security Department - Viceraled's SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki
The Security Department, abbreviated as SD, is a combatant unit that deals with tests, Chaos Insurgency, and Class-D riots. SD are not meant for recontainment of SCPs, but are instead meant more for upholding order in the site.
Security Department | Visceraled's SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki
All Security Department personnel are equipped with a bulletproof vest and leg armor, alongside a form of headgear including hats, helmets, and berets. All SD are equipped with a P90L, Bandage, and an ID Card regardless of rank, and they are able to earn the Taser and Handcuffs at the rank of Sergeant. The Security Department has 9 total ranks:
Visceraled's SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki - Fandom
The SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki is undergoing long overdue updates! This Wiki will now be maintained by the SCP: Site Roleplay Staff Team! This is now the OFFICIAL SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki.. All pages will remain locked while we're restructuring the wiki.
Security Department | SCP: Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
2024年8月31日 · The Security Department — commonly abbreviated as SD — is a default team, being one of the three teams unlocked by default. Security Department members are tasked primarily with defending the Class - D Cells and making sure Class - D personnel stay in line, and preventing them from rioting...
mosdns与ssr plus、passwall等科学软件配合的原理是什么?
2022年8月24日 · 以ssr为例,按你的设置的话,国外域名部分是ssrp通过luci中的远程dns地址向dnsmqsq添加域名规则,转发dns到本机的5335端口。 国内部分ssr plus没做处理,默认dnsmasq转发到wan口的运营商dns。
SCP Site Roleplay Game Guide - Bulletin Board - Developer …
2020年10月10日 · Free SCPs, help Class-Ds escape and fight back, causing as much chaos as possible. Rapid Response Team: Elite combative personnel who work for the Foundation. Be the first to respond to riots and containment breaches, utilizing special gear and powerful weapons that give you an edge in any engagement.
Team Ranks | SCP:Site Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
2024 Update: All combat teams can purchase the same items, it is not level based anymore, O5 has the highest income. This is the team ranks page, whenever you play and do tasks, you level up your clearance! and your rank levels up too. Not to be confused with Gamepasses and Teams. Class-D: Chaos Insurgency:
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - QRP and DIY - SSRP/USRP1板子如何刷FPGA做 …
2018年3月18日 · SSRP的硬件很类似于USRP1,于是按照USRP1的办法,用EXTIO配合HDSDR在WINDOWS下简单测试。 结果发现频率被限制在了GSM900的范围内,据说是要刷FPGA里面的程序,但是身边几个玩过USRP的都不知道这货怎么搞。 是否在linux下用GNURADIO之类的可以刷FPGA? 用遍了GOOGLE和BING,连百度都搜了,没有找到比较明确的办法。 这里的大神比较多,特来求助。 简单说说或者给个参考链接都行,不会耗费各位大神太多精力吧? 感谢。 你必 …
Sol Defence Corps/Ranks - SSRP
2024年11月29日 · Both enlisted personnel and officers have two primary methods of entering the Sol Defence Corps: direct enlistment or service transfer. Direct enlistment is when a civilian enlists directly in the ranks of the SDC, via recruitment.
2019年8月11日 · 通俗地说,ssrp就是用平滑的随机相对强弱指标来衡量一只股票的动量情况。当ssrp值在20以下时,说明该股票可能已经过度超卖,是一个不错的买入时机;当ssrp值在80以上时,说明该股票可能已经过度超买,是一个不错的卖出时机。