Why is »ß« substituted with »ss« rather than »sz«?
In modern German, the combination sz is only used in a few loanwords (e.g., Disziplin, Szene or lasziv), where it represents different sounds than the letter ß does (see also Toscho’s answer).
German Spelling: When to Use s, ss or ß - ThoughtCo
2018年9月9日 · German spelling is generally phonetic, but some spellings have undergone reforms since 1996. Ensure you are using s, ss or ß correctly in German.
German Spelling With a Double S or Eszett (ß) - ThoughtCo
2019年6月16日 · German spelling reformers included a section called sonderfall ss/ß (neuregelung), or "special case ss/ß (new rules)." This section says, "For the sharp (voiceless) [s] after a long vowel or diphthong, one writes ß, as long as no other consonant follows in the word stem." Alles klar? ("Got that?")
Sssssss (1973) - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube
CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1reuGJV Follow us on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/scream_factory Follow us on FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1ojljJS Strother Ma...
Z/z, zz, s, ss, se - [z] and the sounds or phonemes - YouTube
The Z/z, zz, s, ss, se - [z] phonemes and how they sound when learning english as a second language. #ESL, #AmericanEnglish, #LearnEnglish, #BasicEnglish, #EnglishLesson, #phonemes, #E...more....
二次安检 (美国) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
二次安检 (英語: Secondary Security Screening Selection,缩写 SSSS)是美国 运输安全管理局 (TSA)对部分航空旅客要求的额外 安全检查。 [1] 二次安检 针对任何入境美国的航班和美国国内航班的乘客。 [2] 如果一名乘客符合TSA二次安检的要求,航空公司将禁止该名乘客进行線上報到或自助報到,而只能进行臨櫃報到。 [3][4] 被选中的乘客的 登机牌 上将会出现 SSSS 的字样(有时会是*S*的字样,美 西南航空 则是一个棋盘图案 [5]),以提示安检人员对这名乘客额 …
SSSS.古立特无删减完整版-SSSS.古立特高清全集-日本动漫-513动 …
2024年8月23日 · SSSS.古立特全集无删减版,SSSS.古立特1080HD高清全集完整版剧情:住在踯躅台的高中1年级生响裕太,某天醒来后失去了记忆。 之后,裕太与旧电脑里显现出来的“Hyper Agent·古立特”相遇了。
Sounds of S, SS, SE, and ES at the End of Words - Productive Teacher
2023年7月29日 · The letters s, ss, se, and es can make different sounds at the end of words. The sound the letters make depends on the sounds that come before them. The letter s can make the /s/ sound or the /z/ sound at the end of words.
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《SSSS.电光机王》番剧高清完整版在线观看_SSSS.电光机王高清完 …
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