Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager - Wikipedia
The Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) is an imaging spectrometer that is used to observe the earth's ionosphere and thermosphere. These sensors provide vertical intensity profiles of airglow emissions in the extreme ultraviolet and far ultraviolet spectral range of 800 to 1700 Angstrom (80 to 170 nanometre ) and scan from 75 km to ...
The Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager instruments
2017年1月15日 · The Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) instruments are ultraviolet limb scanning sensors flying on the United States Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Block 5D-3 satellites. The SSULIs cover the 800–1700 Å wavelength range at 18 Å spectral resolution.
NASA - NSSDCA - Experiment - Details
2025年2月19日 · The Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) measures vertical profiles of the natural airglow radiation from atoms, molecules and ions in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere by viewing the Earth's limb at a tangent altitude of approximately 50 km to 750 km. Measurements are made from the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to the far ultraviolet ...
NRL Sensor Provides Critical Space Weather Observations
2009年11月3日 · WASHINGTON, D.C. (NNS) -- The Navy Research Laboratory's Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI)was launched Oct. 18, 2009, offering a first of its kind technique for remote sensing of the ionosphere and thermosphere from space. The SSULI was developed by NRL's Space Science Division and Spacecraft Engineering Department
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美国西南研究院 (SwRI) 是世界领先的独立、非营利研发机构,使用多学科服务为世界上某些最具挑战性的科学和工程难题提供解决方案。
Southwest Research Institute - Wikipedia
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is an independent and nonprofit applied research and development (R&D) organization. Founded in 1947 by oil businessman Tom Slick, [1] it provides contract research and development services to government and industrial clients.
美国西南研究院简介 - 百度百科
美国西南研究院(Southwest Research Institute®, SwRI)成立于1947年,是一家独立的、非营利性质的、专门从事技术开发和转让的应用研究与开发机构,是美国同类企业中最大的企业之一,该企业根据合同为政府及全球的工业客户进行研究。
Application of SSULI ground calibration methods to retrieval of ...
The SSULI (Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager) is a low-resolution hyperspectral far- and extreme-ultraviolet limb-scanning imager designed to monitor ionospheric and thermospheric airglow. SSULI has a spectral range from 80 to 170 nm, and a nominal resolution of 2.1 nm (at 147 nm). The instrument is scheduled to fly aboard all DMSP Block 5D3 weather satellites. The first SSULI instrument ...
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美国西南研究院 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2023年6月1日 · 依靠优化系统操作,提供分析和设计的能力,SwRI帮助管道储运公司实现压缩设备的可靠、完整、安全和性能优化,并且在使用周期内将成本降到最低。 ③流量和状态监视 …