St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
"Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Auburn, California is an open and loving diverse parish community united by our faith in Jesus Christ, continuing His mission through our prayerful liturgies, faith formation, evangelization, and outreach to the community.
Mass Times - St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
Italian Catholic Federation. Knights of Columbus. Saint Vincent de Paul. St. Joseph School; ... St. Joseph Cemetery in Foresthill; Faith Formation Programs. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd; Catechism Classes (CFF) and RCIA; Totus Tuus; Donate; 1162 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-2956 ...
Contact Us - St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
(530) 885-2956. Currently the office is open Mon, Tues, Thurs between 9am-1pm. Wednesday, 8am-12pm. One person in the office at the time. [email protected]
Bulletin - St Joseph Catholic Church
Holy Catholic Church, the mission of St. Joseph is to benefit the community of Auburn, CA and vicinity through our liturgies, faith formation and social services.
Our Staff - St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
Italian Catholic Federation. Knights of Columbus. Saint Vincent de Paul. St. Joseph School; ... St. Joseph Cemetery in Foresthill; Faith Formation Programs. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd; Catechism Classes (CFF) and RCIA; Totus Tuus; Donate; 1162 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-2956 ...
Sacraments & Worship - St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1536
St. Joseph History - St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
In March of 1911 a bigger church was built and became the parish we now know at this time, the church facing Lincoln Way; the parish of Foresthill became a mission, and the name “St. Joseph” was transferred to Auburn (suppressing the name “St. Teresa”).
Ministries - St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
We, the members of the Pro-Life Ministry of St. Joseph Catholic Church, in accordance with the USCCB Pastoral Plan and the Gospel of Life, commit ourselves to defend the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death.
St. Joseph Thrift Store - St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
On November 1987, St. Joseph Parish first opened its Thrift Store to the Auburn, CA community. In the following twenty eight years over fifty woman and men have faithfully served our parish in this ministry.
Mass-Sunday - St Joseph Catholic Church - Auburn, CA
Holy Catholic Church, the mission of St. Joseph is to benefit the community of Auburn, CA and vicinity through our liturgies, faith formation and social services.