What is the ASTM equilent to ST37? Anyone know? - American …
2009年3月27日 · Giovanni, good point. Problem is, that 'St 37' is no more available being referred to as 'St 37'. DIN 17100 was the German Standard containing 'St 37' as a 'Steel for general structural purposes'.
Limitation of GMAW for plate thickness
2008年9月2日 · In our shop we use GMAW (by Co2 gas) method for welding of plates with ST37-2 material. Thicknesses are between 3 to 100 mm. My question: Is there any limitation for using GMAW method in all thicknesses of plate? Our supervisor/inspector tells us to use GMAW only for plate with thickness under 8 mm. Thank you in advance for your technical ...
standard WPS for SMAW Carbon Steel to Austenitic Stainless
2013年12月31日 · Dear Experts Hi Is There any standard WPS for SMAW Carbon Steel to Austenitic Stainless Steel ( ST37 to A304 , THK: 10mm , V Groove ) ?
E6010 & E7018 combination - American Welding Society
2002年1月10日 · For st37 welding, sometimes E6010 is used for root pass and E7018 for balance. If 60,000 psi is enough for st37 why E7018 (70,000 psi) is used for balance? Opposite E7018, E6010 produces great deal of hydrogen because of cellulose in its coating.
Using E6010 electrod in structure weldin - American Welding Society
2005年7月16日 · Looks like Azimi is using DIN ST37 steel, whose APPROXIMATE ASTM equivalent is A-36. Please take a look at the response I've posted to Sean's question "How European steel grades are named" on the Technical section of this Forum, regarding the "equivalence" between European and American steel grades.
Do I need a rod oven? - American Welding Society
2004年8月19日 · Hi, I'm welding a boat hull from regular st37 steel. Thickness of the plating is 5mm. I'm using 7018 rods and I always store them inside. The question is: Do I have to use rod oven or do I have to worry about the moisture and hydrogen embritlement?
Stud Welding(Nelson Anchor Bolt Welding) - American Welding …
2003年3月3日 · I have a problem with welding of Nelson Anchor Bolts with diamensions 19mm diameter 125mm length (St37-3). I've adjusted the machine (TRW2800 ampere in capacity) to 1750A and 0.550sec, when I weld the trial pieces on a horizontal test plate I got a sound weld.
Preheat temperature for Aluminum 6061-T6 - American Welding …
2008年9月15日 · Welcome to the forum Tony D1.2 (section 4.8) speaks to preheat It indicates a maximum preheat and interpass temperatoure not to exceed 250 F for 5000 series or heat treatable alloys that contain more than 3% Magnesium. 6061 aluminum contains 0.8 to 1.2 percent magnesium so is not indicated in section 4.8 #1 Is your problem one of a low preheat that causes lack of fusion difficulties?
CWI Level I, II, and III? - American Welding Society
2017年4月26日 · Anyone ever hear of an AWS certification where they classify the AWS CWI as Level I, II, or III? I was performing visuals for a contractor at a local power plant during a shutdown and one of the guys there in the office asked me, while I was sitting through the safety orientation, if I was a CWI Level II because only CWI Level II's can inspect for them.
2010年3月10日 · We are nearing the end of the roll of our first, and hopefully last roll of Hyundai .035. This is some of the worst wire I have ever encountered. There are 2 more rolls in the storage cabinet that are marked do not use so the LWS can take them back. When welding with this wire you may be doing fine, then the arc will change.