Slide Stainers and Accessories | Fisher Scientific
Instruments, equipment, accessories, and replacement parts used to simplify various slide-staining procedures. Products include automated slide stainers with various slide holding capacities, slide stainer cleaning solutions, and replacement tubing.
Staining Dishes | Fisher Scientific
Staining dishes are glass, metal, or plastic containers designed specifically for holding microscope slides during staining procedures. They can also be used for cleaning cover slips, as well as coating them with materials such as poly-lysine or silane.
Staining Equipment and Apparatus, Racks & Drawings | EMS
Explore our range of staining apparatus and filters for precise histological procedures. Various options available at EMS for versatile lab applications.
Microscope Slide Staining Jars, Dishes & Racks - Ted Pella
Dishes, covers and racks are manufactured from soda-lime glass and resist stains from Eosin or Hemotoxylin. Staining dishes are available in many configurations to accommodate up to 50 slides, with various glass and stainless steel racks. Coplin jars can be used for pre-staining with and alcohol buffer.
Sequenza™ Immunostaining Center System - Electron Microscopy …
Replacement parts for Sequenza™, a system designed for immunolabeling of sections on glass slides. Ideal for both benchtop techniques and microwave-assisted applications. This system maximizes the results produced up to 50 slides per run, maintaining both consistency and quality.
You searched for: Slide Stainers - VWR
Slide stainers automatically apply specific labeled antibodies, conjugated enzymes, and peroxidase to individual slides in a specific predetermined order. Improve throughput for staining protocols frequently needed in histology and cytology applications as well as considerably decreasing the time required for routine work in the laboratory.
Slide Stainers and Accessories | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Browse through our selection of slide stainers and accessories designed for staining slide-mounted samples in laboratory settings. This category includes essential tools such as stain trays, staining solutions, and LCM slides and accessories.
SLIDE RACK & STAINING RACK - #1 Microbiology Resource Hub
2022年12月27日 · Staining rack allows microbiology to make several slides of microorganisms (inclusive of wet preparation and smears) more efficiently and in less time; and it provides a horizontal platform for keeping slides prior to staining techniques (Figure 2).
Leica Slide Stainer Parts & Accessories | Rankin Biomedical
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VWR®, Staining Rack
Staining rack is designed for use across laboratory sinks of various sizes. Stainless steel.