Stalemate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of STALEMATE is a drawing position in chess in which a player is not in checkmate but has no legal move to play. How to use stalemate in a sentence.
STALEMATE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
STALEMATE definition: 1. a situation in which neither group involved in an argument can win or get an advantage and no…. Learn more.
Stalemate - Wikipedia
Stalemate is a situation in chess where the player whose turn it is to move is not in check and has no legal move. Stalemate results in a draw. During the endgame, stalemate is a resource that can enable the player with the inferior position to draw the game rather than lose. [2]
Stalemate - Chess Terms - Chess.com
What Is Stalemate? Stalemate is one of the drawing rules of chess. It happens when the player who has to move has no legal moves available The game then ends immediately in a tie, and each player is awarded half a point. The diagram below shows a stalemate that frequently occurs for beginner players.
Stalemate - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
A stalemate is an impasse in a contest, a point where neither player — usually in chess — can win or lose. Stalemate is from an Old French word, estal, which means “place, position, or …
STALEMATE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Stalemate is a situation in which neither side in an argument or contest can make progress. The war had reached a stalemate.
Stalemate - definition of stalemate by The Free Dictionary
1. a situation in which no action can be taken or progress made; deadlock. 2. a position of the pieces on a chessboard in which a player cannot move any piece except the king and cannot move the king without putting it in check. 3. to subject to a stalemate. 4. to bring to a standstill. 5. to be or result in a stalemate.