Bengal vs. Pegasus - RSI - Star Citizen Base
2015年6月13日 · Bengal-class Strike Carrier: for the Bengal-class Strike Carrier, there is a lot less direct information (or quotes from CIG), but the consensus on both Reddit and the RSI forums seems to be somewhere around 72-80 ships, (certainly at least twice the complement of the Pegasus-class). This being mostly based upon the fact that while the Pegasus ...
The Bengal - powerful or overpowered? - RSI - Star Citizen Base
2013年5月16日 · The Bengal is undisputed as the most powerful (UEE) ship in Star Citizen, so it can't be balanced at a 1:1:1 ratio with a rock-paper-scissors system. I predict that the key to disabling or destroying a Bengal will be bombers with anti-ship torpedoes.
Possible Cost of Bengal carrier? - RSI - Star Citizen Base
2013年3月31日 · Just wondering what might be the possible cost in terms of monetary value... Considering a Constellation might cost around $250000 Credit (USD$225 x 1000 = 225000, plus other costs) And a Bengal, purely by weight, is 1506.7 times higher than Constellation (113000T/75T = 1506.6666666) So the base ...
Bengal Carrier - RSI - Star Citizen Base
2013年7月3日 · I'm really looking forward to this capture the Bengal mechanic! How to operate them, maintain them, this is really going to be impressive With the ship comparison images it looks like totally possible to land in there with all she ships until the 890J/Carrack size, correct me if …
This Capital Ship That Has WEAPONS The Size Of An ... - Star …
2016年12月8日 · Forget the size of the cannon. I am putting my hat in the ring now, before anyone else does. If Imperium at any point gets a Bengal Carrier, I volunteer as one of the pilots or crew for it. I will literally live on the Bengal and scramble a fighter, that is …
Bengal Carrier - Page 3 - RSI - Star Citizen Base
2013年7月3日 · Jump to content. RSI; Browse. Forums; Events; Guidelines; Leaderboard; Staff; Online Users; More . Activity. All Activity
Ship Comparison chart - Ship Discussion - Star Citizen Base
2014年4月26日 · As for Large Objects in Star Citizen -- there is something larger than a Bengal Carrier and a Vanduul Kingship. That is Synthworld. There is also an intellectual justification for Synthworld (as an alternative to Terraforming) - but it is bankrupting the UEE (and this weakness of economy and the drain Synthworld is having is opening up the UEE ...
Bengal Carrier - Page 6 - RSI - Star Citizen Base
2013年7月3日 · 4. There will be enough players online in Imperium at any given time to man a Bengal, i'd assume. At the very least, enough for a skeleton crew actively working on it at any given time. I get the feeling we'd have enough people running T&I jobs in their spare time to fund a decent number of NPC crewmen for the organization once we find a Bengal.
Bengal vs Nimitz - RSI - Star Citizen Base
2013年1月26日 · Top: Bengal Carrier, 1000m long, 113,000 tonnes. Botom: Nimitz-class Carrier (76), 333m long, 101,400 tonnes" I have a hard time getting my head around the scale, but it all seems to check out. The Bengal design just isn't conserving volume at all, the way modern ships do. Has anyone said what the fighter compliment of the Bengal is yet?
New Cap ships included - Ship Discussion - Star Citizen Base
2013年12月7日 · The first one we all know as the Bengal,and the last one is the IDris. Everything else is new to us. Edit: The image has been higly edited, and some of the details were hand drawn, following the lines of the Bengal and the Idris. The original picture was too blurred. /Salute