Instructional Reading Level (IRL) - Star Help
Instructional Reading Level is calculated after a student completes a Star Reading test; it is a criterion-referenced score that is the highest reading level at which a student is 80% proficient (or higher) at comprehending material with assistance.
Star Reading测试学生诊断报告详细解读 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
经过Star reading测试,即可得出确切的分析报告,并依次判断每个学生的阅读水平(G.E.:Grade Equivalent学校年级等值水平)。 并能给出不同阅读领域的阅读技能得分,以反映出学生在CCSS(美国共同核心州立标准)规…
如何解读Star Reading测试报告?带你衡量孩子阅读水平! - 知乎
IRL. 即Instructional Reading Level,指导性阅读指数,这个数值对老师教学的指导意义更大,显示了老师应该针对该生布置哪个层级的指导用书和资料。 Juan的老师在上课时,针对他的情况,最好使用2年级的教材以及相关配套练习。
STAR Test Scores: Guide to Interpretation (2025) - TestPrep-Online
If you're looking to understand what a good STAR Test score is, how the grading scale works, or how to interpret your child's STAR results, you've come to the right place. Below, we've provided detailed information to help you make sense of STAR Math and STAR Reading scores, understand their meaning, and use them to support growth.
STAR 评估 指南(STAR Assessment) – 爱学美国
2022年2月8日 · STAR 评估(STAR Assessment)简称 STAR 测评包含针对 K-12 学生进行学业水平评估的多科目评估系统,该评估系统由著名英国教育公司 Renaissance 开发,在美国有超过 1/3 的学校使用,并为全球超过 4 万所学校及超百万的学生提供阅读测评和指导服务,年测试超过 6 千 …
SR+AR常见Q&A总结 | 带你走近Star Reading - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
IRL(Instructional Reading Level): 建议阅读水平,范围为PP~12.9,指内容理解&词汇掌握程度均达到80%以上对应的书籍难度。本例中建议其最佳阅读资料为2年级第3个月的阅读资料
STAR Early Literacy assessments help educators monitor your child’s growing literacy skills and their progress to becoming independent readers. STAR assessments can also be used to monitor your child’s growth throughout the year, to estimate their understanding of
Instructional Reading Level (IRL) is calculated after a student completes a Star Reading test; it is a criterion-referenced score that is the highest reading level at which a student is 80% proficient (or higher) at comprehending material with assistance. Research has found that this level of comprehension corresponds to
Star Assessment Reports - K12 Assessment Reports - Renaissance
Provides a summary of students’ scores including Scaled Score (SS), Percentile Rank(PR), Grade Equivalent (GE), Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE), Instructional Reading Level (IRL), Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and a distribution summary of PR, GE, and IRL scores. Available for: Star Reading, Star Math, Star Early Literacy, Star Reading ...
Literacy Classification - Star Help
Literacy Classifications are stages of literacy development associated with Scaled Scores (SS). These stages are an easy way to monitor student progress. Student is beginning to understand that printed text has meaning.
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