SD-26 - STAR Micronics
The new SD-26 automatic lathe impresses through the ability to convert the machine from a fixed headstock to a sliding headstock lathe, a substantially more stable machine bed and extended material throughput of 26 mm. The highlight is the newly developed B axis in 4 versions.
Star GB | SD-26 Type S CNC Sliding Head Lathe
The new SD-26 Type S sliding head lathe is an entirely new model capable of ⌀26mm machining that has been developed by Star to give engineers the ultimate mill-turn solution for complex components.
SD-26 Type S | CNC Machine & Parts New York | Star CNC
The new SD-26 Swiss-type automatic lathe was developed specifically to meet the complex, small parts machining needs of up to 1” (26mm) diameter parts. Meeting the diverse manufacturing needs across multiple industries.
Star GB | SD-26 CNC Sliding Head Lathe Demonstration - YouTube
The new SD-26 Type S & Type E sliding head lathe is an entirely new model capable of ⌀26mm machining that has been developed by Star to give engineers the ultimate mill-turn solution for...
SD-26 type G/E/C | Star精密株式会社
瞄准26级别的需求而诞生、令人期待的新机型。 推出4种类型的产品阵容,可准确满足φ8mm~φ26mm级别范围的需求。 实现最适合多种加工条件的刀具。 通过丰富的刀具单元, …
The long-awaited new machine, born from our focus on the needs for the 26-dia. Class. A lineup of 4 types that accurately cover the needs of the 8-dia. to 26-dia. volume zone. Realizes …
SD-26 Type S – starmicronics
The SD-26 has been developed to capable of up to 26-dia. machining. It is mainly targeted at complex-shaped parts for automotive, hydraulic/pneumatic equipment and medical-related uses. Equipped with a 4-spindle facing-type milling unit with a tool swivel control axis (B1-axis) capable of programmable simultaneous 5-axes control.
Star Micronics to Launch the SD-26, a CNC Swiss-Type Automatic …
2022年9月1日 · Star Micronics has developed the SD-26, a new model Swiss type automatic lathe (*1) capable of up to 26-dia. machining. It is mainly targeted at complex-shaped parts for automotive, hydraulic/pneumatic equipment and medical-related uses, and will be available for sale worldwide from April 2023.
Star SD-26 Type S - New England Tool Corporation
The new SD-26 Swiss-type automatic lathe was developed specifically to meet the complex, small parts machining needs of up to 1” (26mm) diameter parts. Meeting the diverse manufacturing needs across multiple industries.
A-weighted sound pressure is a general assessment standard characteristic that corrected the sound level to human acoustic sense. ※This product is an export control item subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws. Thus, before exporting this product, or taking it overseas, contact your STAR MICRONICS dealer.