Do you resize your new brass. I just purchased 2 bags of new …
2013年5月18日 · I have 200 pices of new starline .45 long colt brass I was wondering since its new do I really need to run it through the resizing die. I would think the brass is sized since its new unfired. In the the years I have been reloading this is the first time I have purchased new brass. I have always just reloaded what I have shot.
Winchester .44-40 brass preferable to Starline .44-40 brass?
2016年10月20日 · The extra .001 has not mattered, and I have not found any 44 Mag brass in any of my boxes of Starline. I also use Starline exclusively for 45 Colt, 45 Schofield, 44 Russian, and 38-40 these days. Have a bunch of Starline 32-20 …
Starline brass life (Has anyone ever counted no. of cycles?)
2016年12月20日 · Called Starline and they said they weren't properly heat treated. They told me to put them in the oven for a few hours. (I forget the temperature.) Rather than insist on returning the brass I tried to work with them. Biggest mistake I ever made. Ruined a stainless steel turkey pan and the brass stayed crappy. Starline replaced half.
Starline brass revisited - 24hourcampfire
2025年1月12日 · A while back I bought some Starline brass in 243 and 308 Winchester. I had used their brass for years in straight wall handgun cartridges and had been well satisfied. Unfortunately, the 243 and 308 brass I got wasn't so great. The neck walls were not uniform, particularly the 308 batch, an...
Anneal New Starline Brass? - SASS Wire Forum
2021年3月22日 · I purchased Starline brass during the previous component shortage. I got splits in the .357 mag brass during first firing. Since I got the brass using a gift certificate I just recycled the split brass. Once-fired brass I've bought on Gunbroker did not split. I do not anneal.
.45 Cowboy Special Brass - SASS Wire Forum
2023年11月19日 · I load cut down star line 45 colt brass with no problems at all because I only load a 160 gr bullet , I heard that about the wall thickness too so I checked the wall thickness with a Sinclair ball end mic and the cut down 45 colt brass and if you load 200gr or 250gr maybe you could get that bulge, wall thickness in the depth of B.C. 160 gr only ...
Starline's odd comment about 44-40 brass and Uberti
2023年1月19日 · With both older Starline and brand new Starline brass both running about 0.124" pocket depth, Starline brass is closer to being right with PISTOL primers than with RIFLE primers (as that would lead to primers being proud of the case head, and sticking in recoil shields in revolvers and out-of-battery firing in lever rifles).
Starline rifle brass...? - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2024年6月27日 · Has anyone been using the Starline rifle brass? I have used the pistol brass over the years with complete satisfaction. I was thinking of working up some hunting loads in .270 Winchester with Starline brass because of availability, my good experience with the pistol brass, and an excellent price point. Experience and thoughts appreciated.
New (Starline) Brass Prep - SASS Wire Forum
2013年10月9日 · Yeah, new Starline has a tendency to stick a little to the expander button, because the case walls are a little thicker than Winchester and most other brands of brass. I use a little Hornady spray case lube on all brass, new or old, and it doesn't bother me much. Not to worry, use a little lube! Good luck, GJ
Annealing Starline Brass - Cast Boolits
2009年12月23日 · I digress, I did not nor do I plan on annealing my Starline 45-70 brass. My shooting buddy is using Starline for "normal" midrange use but I'm using mine for long range 3F Swiss "Nuke Loads" which attain 45-90 velocities which makes my 45-70 appropriate for LR use and therefore I have 2 rifles and can introduce friends to the game. I'm going to ...