12-50 Ft. Steel Trusses for Sale | Builder’s Discount Center
We stock square-tube steel trusses that are built to withstand extreme conditions, rated for 150 mph winds for hurricane-prone areas and supporting a roof snow load of 19 psf and ground snow load of 25 psf.
Steel Trusses for Post Frame and Pole Barns - Best
Steel Trusses offer increased strength, faster installation, and a longer life compared to wood frame pole barn trusses. Pre-welded purlin cups, predrilled bolt holes, and included mounting hardware for fast & easy installation.
US Steel Truss - Manufacturer & Distributor of Steel Trusses
U S Steel truss is a direct source for steel truss and components for contactors and private labelers that want to put their own building packages together. Standard truss designs are available from 10’ wide through 100’ wide clear-spans with option for half trusses, self-supporting overhangs and mezzanine systems .
Prices SteelBarnTruss.com
Roof trusses are on a 4:12 pitch and lean to trusses are on a 2:12 pitch. All trusses come with a 1' overhang. Custom overhang and pitches are available for additional charges shown below.
ALPINE TRUSSTEEL | Welcome to Alpine Trussteel
TrusSteel is the commercial framing industry’s premier cold-formed steel truss system. Our innovative Double-Shear™ fastening technology combines with our patented symmetrical profile to efficiently transfer structural load.
Steel Truss Supply | DIY Pole Barns | 8 to 80ft Clear Span Steel ...
Steel Trusses that take the guess work out of building an engineered roof. We supply Steel Trusses for any project you can dream up. Get the strength of steel with the ease of building with wood.
Steel Trusses Hybrid Barns
High strength to weight ratios can withstand heavy winds and snow loads. Withstand high-stress situations under tension and pressure and require very minimal maintenance. Steel roof trusses are virtually indestructible by fire and completely pest resistant. ALL AMERICAN MADE.
7 Types of Steel Roof Trusses That You Need To Know
2017年4月27日 · Steel roof trusses add value and structural support to your building. We're discussing 7 structural designs that can enhance your building's roof right now.
STEEL TRUSSES - American Pole Barns
Our angle iron steel trusses are manufactured by certified welders and are engineered stamped in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina and Georgia. They feature a 90-mph wind load (IBC 2018 & 2021),105-mph design wind speed rating, a 20 PSF roof live load, and a 15 PSF ground snow load at 10-foot centers (2018 & 2021 IBC).
Cold Formed Steel Trusses - Modern Structural Systems
Steel trusses from cold formed steel are more durable, affordable, and reliable than other truss materials. Contact us to order your steel truss kit.