About Step 10 of the 12 Step Program
Step 10 begins laying the foundation for the rest of my life. It is a pledge to continually monitor my life with honesty and humility.
Step 10 | Video
Tommy Rosen talks about Step 10, where we develop a daily practice of taking a mini-inventory to end each day on a clean energetic note. View Mormons
Step 10 | Dr. K.J. Foster
Dr. K.J. Foster talks about the background to her family and her channel and her personal experiences with Step 10 and about taking responsibility on a daily basis for our emotional …
Bible Passages Relating to Step 10
By the 10th step we may feel that we are "on our way". If our life has become easier, we may tend to forget the difficulties that recovery sometimes requires. These verses remind us to continue …
Step 10 | Sober MD
Dr. Douglas Cook talks about getting started with Step 10 and his personal experiences with that step and his experiences with his patients. More information is available at …
12 Steps of Gamblers Anonymous
The following are the 12 Steps of Gamblers Anonymous, also referred to as GA. Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope …
Chapter 10 | Big Book of A.A. 2nd edition - 12 step
Will he take every necessary step, submit to anything to get well, to stop drinking forever? If he says yes, does he really mean it, or down inside does he think he is fooling you, and that after …
Worksheets from 12Step.org for All Steps
These worksheets are primarily a list of questions for each step where you can write out your own personal answers to the questions for a given step. This can give you some framework for …
12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous
The following are the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous, also referred to as NA. Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery from the effects of addiction through working a twelve-step …
Bible Passages Relating to Step 11
This is what is talked about in step 11, to continue to grow in our walk with God. In doing so, we can grow in that great reward of the peace of God which passes all understanding.