[2201.13424] On Stevenhagen's conjecture - arXiv.org
2022年1月31日 · We combine these reflection principles with Smith's techniques to prove Stevenhagen's conjecture on the solubility of the negative Pell equation.
Peter Stevenhagen - Leiden University - Universiteit Leiden
2023年12月18日 · Peter Stevenhagen. Professor of Mathematics, in particular algebra and number theory algebra; geometry; mathematics; number theory; Name Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen Telephone +31 71 527 7125 E-mail [email protected]
Peter Stevenhagen - Universiteit Leiden
For information on my person, have a look at the Leiden scientists site or at the text of my inaugural lecture. math papers [coming soon...] miscellaneous [coming soon...] AMS Special Session on Field Extensions and Algorithms, San Antonio, Texas, January 12-15, 2006.
Peter STEVENHAGEN | Doctor of Philosophy - ResearchGate
Peter STEVENHAGEN | Cited by 719 | of Leiden University, Leiden (LEI) | Read 59 publications | Contact Peter STEVENHAGEN
[1806.06250] Redei reciprocity, governing fields, and negative …
2018年6月16日 · We discuss the origin, an improved definition and the key reciprocity property of the trilinear symbol introduced by Rédei in the study of 8-ranks of narrow class groups of quadratic number fields.
Stevenhagen - Meyers Gaz
The historical entry for Stevenhagen, Naugard, Stettin, Pommern, Preussen, including parish and jurisdiction information, in the Meyers Gazetteer of the German Empire also known as Meyers Orts- und Verkehrs-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs.
Unbeknownst of Bhaskara's work, Fermat challenged English mathematicians Brouncker and Wallis to solve the notorious case d = 61. The smallest non-trivial solution is. rst to give an algorithm with proof of correctness. In modern terms, we know that. always has a non-trivial solution by Dirichlet's Unit Theorem. In modern terms, we know that.
Peter Stevenhagen Class field theory is the study of extensions Q ⊂K ⊂L ⊂Kab ⊂K = Q, where L/K is a finite abelian extension with Galois group G. 1. Class Field Theory for Q First we discuss the situation where K = Q. In this case, we have the cyclotomic extension K = Q ⊂L = Q(ζ m), and (Z/mZ)∗ ∼=Gal(L/Q) a mod n 7→(σ a: ζ ...
P. Stevenhagen - Semantic Scholar
1996年3月1日 · Semantic Scholar profile for P. Stevenhagen, with 174 highly influential citations and 57 scientific research papers.
2022年11月3日 · 20 世纪 90 年代初期,荷兰莱顿大学的数学家 Peter Stevenhagen 猜想佩尔方程可以使用群论来推测方程整数解的间隔。 现在 Stevenhagen 惊讶地说:「我没想到这个猜想这么快就被证明了。