Transferable Machine Guns - Stemple 76/45 Takedown Guns (STG) - STG 76 …
STG-76: The STG-76 is one of our most adaptable and enjoyable setups. It can fit the "heavy submachinegun" concept by incorporating a bipod and long barrel or standard subgun layout with a shorter barrel and folding stock. WIth our new quick-change barrel system, switching between setups is quick and easy.
[被遗忘的武器]Stemple76/45-一段机枪研发故事 - 哔哩哔哩
Stemple/BRP STG-76 "Heavy Submachine Gun" at the Range
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.forgottenweapons.com Having spent quite a long time yesterday exploring the origins of the Stemple/BRP STG-76, I figured I should take it out to the...
[被遗忘的武器]Stemple STG-76靶场试射 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
原视频链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n2b8PK01rE. 原视频作者:Forgotten Weapons. 原视频发布时间:2021年9月18日. 这次是靶场试射,感觉就简单说几句贴几张照片就差不多了。 不知道这个是什么的可以去看上一篇文章https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv13226608. 我觉得连话都 …
Stemple 76/45, STG-76 - Modern Firearms
STG-76 submachine gun (one of many versions), as made by BRP Corp on original Stemple registered receiver. The Stemple 76/45 line of submachine guns, developed in USA by John Stemple shortly before the civilian automatic weapons ban of 1986 was final step in the evolution of the S&W 76 submachine gun.
Stemple Takedown Gun - BRP Guns
U-Series Stemple Takedown Guns (STG) allow maximum versatility and ease of service with only one receiver. With these drop-on parts for the Stemple 76/45, changing setups and replacing parts is fast and easy.
2022年2月12日 · 冲锋枪自豪地(而且很诚实地)被他命名为“Stemple”76/45,具有最简单的自动化 - 也就是说,100%来自瑞典人的反冲。 拍摄是用打开的快门进行的,只有自动射击。 没有单独的手动保险丝,但与德国 Schmeiser 一样,打开位置的螺栓可以通过将其手柄滑入接收器的 L 形凹槽来锁定。 接收者。 “优雅本身……” BRP Corporation 摄. 接收器本身由钢制成,呈圆柱形。 从下面,弹匣的接收器,手枪式握把的底座焊接到它上面,从上面 - 最简单的瞄准具没有任何调整 …
STG 76W (Stemple-Suomi) - BRP Guns
From this came a series of compatible drop-on parts for the unmodified/transferable Stemple 76/45 receivers known as Stemple Takedown Gun (STG) setups. Since nothing is welded or hand fitted to these receivers, changing setups and replacing parts is fast and easy.
[被遗忘的武器]Stemple的"索米" - 哔哩哔哩
简单来说STG-76系列的枪都是基于1986年之前Stemple生产并注册的机枪机匣而生产的民用机枪。 尽管成品都是2000年以后的,但是因为机匣是1986年之前,所以可以作为正常的那时候的机枪流通。 其特点就是,它不是模仿了索米,而是直接使用了索米的零件,使用了扳机组,枪栓,复进弹簧,枪管,照门,枪管护罩。 所以射击机械表现方面会和索米很像,同时因为Stemple的机匣更长,所以枪栓有更长的距离来减速。 射速稍微有一点点慢。 缺点就是没有了后部拉机柄,如果 …
Stemple Transferable Takedown Gun STG76 Machine Gun
From this came a series of compatible drop-on parts for the unmodified/transferable Stemple 76/45 receivers known as Stemple Takedown Gun (STG) setups. Since nothing is welded or hand fitted to these receivers, changing setups and replacing parts is fast and easy.
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