Upcoming Show: He had a crackin set of teeth | Sasquatch …
2024年12月7日 · Keep in mind I haven’t seen anything besides the stick structure, I also remember there only being 1 other car in the carpark and it was the park rangers car. So …
Growls And Stick Structures - Sasquatch Chronicles
2019年12月26日 · Another experience I had was back in the fall of 2000 in the Fulton state game area here in Michigan; I was deer hunting the area and noticed this stick structure built on the …
Pattee Canyon part 4 - Stick Structure Overkill and the Eerie Ravine ...
2016年11月11日 · This was from late November 2015, Duke and Sarah are in the upper areas near the summit of Mt. Sentinel, when they investigate a teepee and another structure, a game …
Yowie The Australian Bigfoot | Sasquatch Chronicles
2024年11月25日 · Keep in mind I haven’t seen anything besides the stick structure, I also remember there only being 1 other car in the carpark and it was the park rangers car. So …
A coyote looking creature stood up and ran away on two legs
Eskridge is about eight or nine miles from Lake Wabaunsee where I had the scream, tree break and stick structure (placed in front of my car while camping at that lake ((like a gift or a warning …
Grassman58: Audio Captured On Camping Trip | Sasquatch …
2023年9月10日 · Grassman58 writes “On August 25, 2023, I came across a large stick structure while hiking and decided to camp in the area that night. My recorders captured some …
World Bigfoot Radio: The Tree Structure Mystery | Sasquatch …
2017年9月5日 · Dukewrites “I interview Rich Soule, BFRO stick and tree structure researcher, and we take an in depth look at structures continent wide. Photo images from Rich Soule and …
Mysterious Stick Structures | Sasquatch Chronicles
2018年3月14日 · 19 Responses to “Mysterious Stick Structures” Trent M “But it is a misdemeanor to build a structure in the forest without a permit”, Yeah serve the builder with a ticket I dare you.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I froze - Sasquatch …
2015年9月8日 · When we froze and started looking around we notice a few yards in front of us there was this weird tee pee stick structure thing made by twisting trees together and boulders …
Mountain Beast Mysteries: Tree Structures - Sasquatch Chronicles
Here is the article along with Mountain Beast Mysteries take tree structures. An X structure pictured behind me in Lancaster County Nebraska 2017. The forest signs of Sasquatch are …