The Stinky Cow Principle: How to Tell Stories that Make People …
2017年4月27日 · In tribute to Max, I’ve christened this the Stinky Cow Principle: Stories connect better with audiences when you convey your inciting incident as a scene—especially when it involves suffering ...
The Stinky Cow Principle Transforms Boring Anecdotes Into …
2017年6月29日 · Putting the Stinky Cow Principle to use. What can entrepreneurs and professionals learn from this, beyond the little-known challenges of low-level film production gigs?
Don't forget to include the Stinky Cow | Y'all Connect
2017年7月5日 · The difference between a typical tale and a standout story is one dead cow. That’s what consultant Andy Raskin found out at his storytelling workshop. He wrote about the idea in a post for the Mission. Max, a participant, said he …
The Stinky Cow Principle - Retrospect
2017年5月5日 · Writer and memoirist Andy Raskin proposes a new storytelling guideline called the Stinky Cow Principle: Tell incidents as scenes, not as summaries.
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The Stinky Cow Principle: Tell inciting incidents as scenes, not ...
The Stinky cow principle: stories connect better with audiences when you convey your inciting incident as a scene. "i decided to start a high-quality printing shop," a woman named Melinda said during a recent workshop. "if you want to deliver quality work that made people happy, I would have to quit and open my own shop," she said.
Stinky Cow Farm
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What makes manure so stinky? | The Western Producer
2014年12月25日 · Woodbury and his USDA colleague John Gilley have studied ways to reduce the odours associated with cattle manure. As part of their research, they conducted a smell study to identify the chemical...
臭气熏天的奶牛 - 激战2中文维基|激战2资料站|激战2|激战2攻略
臭气熏天的奶牛 是一名位于 沃德隆峡谷 的 动物。 臭气熏天的奶牛 是 帮助夏拉迪斯营地农场工照料牛群 爱心任务的一部分.拿起 水桶,然后向它们泼水来获得爱心任务进度。 欢迎来到激战2中文维基! 请各位指挥官点点关注! 注册登陆后,维基的缓存机制才会被关闭。 如此,才可以看到最新 …
Michael... - The Teller and the Tale Storytelling Podcast - Facebook
2017年7月3日 · Michael shares Andy Raskin's "stinky cow" technique to help you turn boring anecdotes into powerful personal tales.
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