STM32F334: the new STM32 Digital-Power Microcontroller
2014年6月25日 · Beside this high-resolution timer, the STM32F334’s peripheral set optimized for digital power control includes: 2 ultra-fast 5Msps (0.2µs) 12-bit ADCs with sampling time down to 21ns for simultaneous voltage and current measurements
how to generate phase shifted PWM using STM32F334?
Posted on March 01, 2017 at 05:51 we are trying to implement full bridge phase shifted DC DC converter using STM32F334. All examples show control of duty cycle. Can someone provide examples of phase shift variation? Thanks Regards Anusha
STM32F334 HRTIM WITH BAD BEHAVIOR - STMicroelectronics
Posted on November 26, 2015 at 17:56 Hi, I'm experiencing a very bad behavior of HRTIM. if output set register is set on Period and output reset register is reset on CMP1. if CMP1 = 0x20, the PWM output is a narrow pulse as expected. but if the CMP1 < 0x20 the output go to active state. The duty ...
STM32F334 SPI TI Mode - STMicroelectronics Community
Posted on April 04, 2018 at 12:42. Hi, Trying to establish SPI communications from a STM32F334 with a DRV8305 from TI using SPI, after a bit of struggling thoughts and struggles to establish valid communication with the slave; arrived at the thoughts that TI mode is necessary for establishing SPI communications with the Slave.
STM32F3, STM32G4: Similarities/Differences; portin ...
2020年4月15日 · We have an application note for "Migrating between STM32F334/303 lines and STM32G474xx/G431xx microcontrollers". It is AN5094. There was an issue to make it available on the web and now it is fixed.-Amel
STM32F334 Burst DMA - STMicroelectronics Community
Posted on July 27, 2016 at 02:33 I have been trying to get the burst DMA working across Timers on the STM32F334 without success. The reference manual has; The burst DMA mode is permanently enabled (there is no enable bit). A burst DMA operation is started by the first write access into the HRTIM...
STM32F334 TSC - STMicroelectronics Community
Posted on December 06, 2016 at 11:35 Hi! I'm using STM32F334R8-Nucleo board and currently working on Touch Sense (TSC). After getting acquisition value from a group, how can I identify which particular key has been pressed among all the keys connected to that particular group? #stm32 #stm32f334 #...
stm32f334 i2c slave speed - STMicroelectronics
2023年5月26日 · Stm32f334 i2c works in slave mode , select i2c kernel clock 72mhz. datasheet says it's i2c fast-mode+ support up to 1mhz, but I found that it can be accessed stably by a master with scl at 2.5mhz. Is it ok to use a master scl speed faster than 1mhz to communicate with the mcu, what's the mcu's i2c scl speed limitation as a slave ?
STM32F334 Tim3 Prescaler - STMicroelectronics
2019年12月1日 · Dear all, I am in difficulty to adjust Timer 3. Let me explain with examples: Internal Clock is 72 MHz and it is used for also Timer 3 as an input clock. 1- When PSC: 36 and ARR: 124 it should generate an interrupt every 62,5 us (we can assume it generates exactly every 62,5us because there is to...
STM32F334 SPI - STMicroelectronics Community
Posted on August 29, 2016 at 14:02 Hi! I am new to STM32 microcontrollers and SPI. I'm currently working on STM32F334R8T6 (Nucleo board 64-pin package) and need to configure it as spi full duplex master without crc for operating MAX31865 temperature sensor. I'm also confused about NSS. The chip s...