XJ Specs....Everything you need to know.... - Jeep Cherokee Talk
2009年8月30日 · This page will detail the stock specs of the Jeep Cherokee (XJ) which was produced between 1984 - 2001 in the United States. That is a remarkable 18 year lifespan in …
Stock XJ Cherokee Tech. All XJ Non-modified/stock questions go …
2008年9月4日 · Stock XJ Cherokee Tech. All XJ Non-modified/stock questions go here - OEM 1984 - 2001 Jeep Cherokee XJ discussion, general maintenance, how-to guides, and …
Tires on a stock XJ - Jeep Cherokee Talk
2010年1月23日 · I am in need of tires on an XJ I picked up the other day. I would like to lift this thing so I hate to buy stock size tires and then but bigger tires in 6 months or so. I am thinking …
largest size tire on stock cherokee? | Jeep Cherokee Talk
2009年7月19日 · This is really XJ specific. It really depends on how much the rear leaf packs are sagging, and how much the suspension as a whole is sagging. Also, it depends on how much …
Jeep Cherokee 1984-2001: Transmission and Gear Ratio Information
2015年9月8日 · This article applies to the Jeep Cherokee XJ (1984-2001). Automaker's engineers look at the vehicle in whole to match the best gearing in the differential to the transmission …
correct stock height | Jeep Cherokee Talk
2010年2月19日 · what is the stock height of an xj and where is the correct place to mesure from. I did extra leafs in the back and made my own front spacers so I am not sure how much lift I have.
Jeep Cherokee 1984-2001: The Ultimate Exhaust Guide
2015年9月10日 · This article applies to the Jeep Cherokee XJ (1984-2001). Exhaust systems help your vehicle expel the result of the motor's combustion. Proper expulsion of these gasses …
alternator upgrade? - Jeep Cherokee Forum
2009年4月14日 · Stock XJ Cherokee Tech. All XJ Non-modified/stock questions go here - alternator upgrade? - I recently went on a wheelin trip where I was having alternator …
Accurate stock lift height measuremants | Jeep Cherokee Talk
2019年9月22日 · Thanks.:thumbsup: I read about checking those points for Jeeps with cut fenders or different flares. I didn't check those. p.s. When I bought my XJ with 130,000 miles …
Jeep Cherokee Forum
5 天之前 · XJ (84-01) All modified tech questions. If it modifies your XJ beyond stock parts ask it here.