Stokke® YOYO® Strollers and Travel Systems
Versatile travel system, Stokke presents the YOYO stroller - compact and adaptable stroller that accompanies your child every day, from birth to toddler.
Stokke® YOYO³ stroller from 6 months
For a limited time, save 20% on select YOYO³ 6+ strollers. Be the first to write a review! Sign up for our newsletter!
从出生起1辆就够 全新Stokke® YOYO³ 婴儿车发布_婴儿推车_什么 …
2024年8月13日 · 全新升级Stokke® YOYO³为家长带来更多成长陪伴新选择. 作为STOKKE在高端婴儿车领域的全新力作,全能型轻便婴儿车Stokke® YOYO³发布之际正值巴黎奥运会举办时。作为源自法国设计的产品,YOYO³吸收了法国独特的设计理念,更将法国特有的优雅与实用主义相结合。
Stokke YOYO3 Stroller from 6 Months - Amazon.com
Stokke YOYO3 Stroller from 6 Months - Includes Black Frame, Taupe Seat Cushion & Taupe Canopy - Folds in & Out in a Flash - Light & Compact - Carry-On Compatible
My Stokke YOYO3 Travel Stroller Review - PureWow
2025年3月17日 · The Stokke YOYO3 Travel Stroller is available for newborn babies up to 4-year-old kids (or up to 48.5 pounds). For newborns and babies up to 19.8 pounds, you can use the newborn pack so the baby can lay flat and get cozy on walks. ... Stokke’s YOYO Connect frame turns a single stroller into a double if your family grows and you need more ...
最近风很大的STOKKE yoyo和Bugaboo butterfly 婴儿推车,到底 …
Stokke Yoyo 轻便伞车作为来自欧洲的伞车元老,主打一个又轻又小,重量只有6.2kg,折叠后尺寸是18*44*52cm,跟我老公出差背的包差不多大,不仅带出门很方便,坐飞机的话空姐看见都会直接放行,所以经常要坐飞机的家庭都挺离不开yoyo的。
STOKKE YOYO还是Bugaboo butterfly?婴儿推车到底怎么选?
2023年11月2日 · 两辆车的车轮都是有减震避震功能的,推行起来也都很丝滑,YOYO的前轮直径是13cm,butterfly是11cm。 YOYO比butterfly多了一个收纳的地方,那就是在把手的地方,设计了一个带拉链的口袋,放一些日常使用的物品还是挺方便的。
Stokke Yoyo 3 Stroller - Target
The Stokke YOYO stroller is a remarkably lightweight and compact stroller, perfect for both travel and daily use. Its shoulder strap makes it easy to carry up and down stairs, even while holding a toddler.
嬰幼兒推車 Stokke® YOYO®
YOYO 是集多功能、極致輕巧和堅固於一身的嬰兒車。 從寶寶出生即可使用至幼兒階段,伴您走過輕鬆每一天。
Stokke YOYO3 Stroller from 6 Months - Amazon.com
Stokke YOYO3 Stroller from 6 Months - Includes White Frame, Black Seat Cushion & Black Canopy - Folds in & Out in a Flash - Light & Compact - Carry-On Compatible