networking - How do I terminate a 'Ping' without closing the …
2016年1月26日 · Manually interrupt the ping command using Ctrl+C, as described in @steeldriver's answer. Use ping's "count" option (-c COUNT) to send exactly COUNT pings and then terminate automatically, as described in @bodhi.zazen's answer. Use ping's "deadline" option (-w DEADLINE) to run for exactly DEADLINE seconds and then terminate automatically.
command line - How to terminate ping <dest> & - Ask Ubuntu
2019年3月15日 · 2) You can see all of the process that are running on the system with ps -aux and for seeing ping: ps -aux | grep ping The output is like : root 2615 0.0 0.0 25828 1052 pts/0 S 02:12 0:00 ping The second number (2615) is PID or process ID and you can terminate the process with . sudo kill -15 2615
Solved: How to break Ping command - Cisco Community
2013年7月24日 · Solved: i am trying traceroute of not pinging ip.. Its getting request time out from 1st hop.. I am not able to break the Ping request up to 30 Hops. Please provide the command to break it. Its urgent. Ctrl+c ctrl+shift+c ctrl+shift+f5 ctrl+shift+f6
how to stop ping? CTRL C is not working - Apple Community
2021年4月11日 · pkill -9 -ix ping This will kill ping without question. It is a good idea to start ping with a safety net. The following will cause ping to quit after 300 seconds regardless of what it is doing: ping -t 300 foo.com Note that entering ⌘+Z in the Terminal does nothing except make a noise. Ping continues to run regardless.
How to stop PING - Cisco Community
2014年1月24日 · Below is my configurations plz have llok in this and suggest me how implement Acl to stop the ping from outside only. Current configuration : 3135 bytes! version 12.2. service timestamps debug datetime msec. service timestamps log datetime msec. no service password-encryption! hostname Store_RTR! logging queue-limit 100. enable password *****!
How to stop a command - make it stop running (such as ping)
2008年4月4日 · It may depend on what command you are trying to stop. I find that for ping and traceroute it is pretty effective (though it may take multiple entries of the key stroke combination). For other commands it may not be effective.
How to stop ping on imac - Apple Community - Apple Support …
2023年2月5日 · stop ping sound on macbook air How to stop ping sound on macbook air 3866 1 M1 MacBook Pro High ping and lower speed internet near other Apple devices on same iCloud acc This happens whenever I use any of my other apple devices near MacBook.
Stopping a repeating ping in Secure CRT - Cisco Community
2014年4月15日 · I am having an issue when I start a ping and choose to repeat like 10k times for example, I cannot ctrl+c in secureCRT to stop it. When I try Ctrl+Shift+6 it kicks me out to my terminal server so that doesnt work either. How can I stop a ping in SecureCRT?
how to stop extended ping with in the firepower console?
2016年2月6日 · I ping a device with in the Firepower console, but cant escape from the reply sequence. Does anyone know the key combination to quit from the ping request?
how to disable ping to a router - Cisco Community
2011年4月18日 · Hi all Can anyone tell me how I would turn off ping to a router interface, would I create an icmp access list and apply it inbound using the ip of the interface as the destination address? cheers Carl