Stop sign - Wikipedia
A stop sign is a traffic sign designed to notify drivers that they must come to a complete stop and make sure the intersection (or railroad crossing) is safely clear of vehicles and pedestrians …
Stop Sign (What To Do, Meaning, Shape, Color) - DMV Practice Test
What does a Stop sign mean? A STOP sign is a red and white regulatory sign. It's the only road sign with an octagonal (8-sided) shape, which makes it easy to recognize it by both shape and …
Stop Sign: What Does It Mean? - Driving-Tests.org
A stop sign is a regulatory sign - a traffic control device that warns drivers to slow down and prepare to stop. It’s used when there are no other cars around, or at the end of a line of traffic. …
Geomastr - Stop Signs Around the World
Embark on a comprehensive exploration of stop sign designs from around the world. Stop signs are iconic symbols of traffic control, emphasizing the need for safety and compliance. In this in …
美国开车如何通过Stop Sign标志 - 百度经验
2017年3月22日 · 什么是Stop Sign呢,它是一种交通信号标志,一般出现在比较小的路口,在美国它的重要程度并不次于红绿灯,遵守Stop Sign规定可以避免交通事故,提高行车安全。
STOP for Stop Sign History - Your AAA Network
2023年4月20日 · As ubiquitous as it is universally recognizable, the stop sign has transcended the world of traffic to become the symbol used to warn anyone, inside a vehicle or out, to come to …
美国交通之Stop Sign - 简书
2019年8月12日 · 什么是Stop Sign呢,它是一种交通信号标志,一般出现在比较小的路口,在美国它的重要程度并不次于红绿灯,遵守Stop Sign规定可以避免交通事故,提高行车安全。
【收藏】不要小瞧Stop Sign!美国自驾必知的Stop Sign指南 - 马 …
2013年9月2日 · 它是一种交通信号标志,一般出现在比较小的路口,在美国它的重要程度并不次于红绿灯,遵守Stop Sign规定可以避免交通事故,提高行车安全。 Stop Sign的作用. 美国各个 …
Stop sign - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The stop sign is a sign that is often placed at crossroads, when a road does not have traffic lights. This sign instructs the drivers to stop when they reach the crossroad and wait for other …
国内为什么不能采用美国的stop sign制度在很多路口设置呢? - 知乎
遇到多方向stop sign ,礼让先到者,用眼神甚至用手势辅助。 我们这,我开车在前面让人,后车不是打喇叭,就是干脆变道。 如果只有一条道,你要让别人先过,后车横不得开上人行道, …