STORENT | Rent | Lease
+371 20 275 000 The equipment rent for your object starts with Storent. Find everything you need!
Storent - STORENT group
STORENT Group is a technical equipment rental company successfully operating in the Baltics, Sweden, Finland and Russia. STORENT’s high-performing team brings together more than 280 outstanding professionals, each being an expert in their field.
Home | Storent Investors
STORENT, established in 2008, is leading building equipment rental company in Latvia, taking up one of biggest market shares in Baltics and present in Sweden and Finland. STORENT operates 30 rental depots.
STORENT | Nomāt | Iznomāt
+371 20 275 000 Tehnikas noma Tavam objektam sākas ar Storent. Atrodi visu, kas Tev nepieciešams! SAZINIES AR MUMS!
About Storent | Storent SIA
STORENT operates 26 rental depots in five countries - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and Sweden offering for rent 25 product groups for construction, industrial and domestic applications.
STORENT | Nuoma | Nuoma
+370 610 65 000 Technikos nuoma Jūsų objektui prasideda nuo STORENT. Raskite viską, ko jums reikia!
Storent Holding | Storent Investors
Storent nodrošina tehnikas nomas risinājumus. Mums ir vairāk nekā 20 produktu grupas. Galvenās nomas aprīkojuma grupas ir pacēlāji un darba platformas, teleskopiskie iekrāvēji un zemes pārvietošanas tehnika. Vairāk par mūsu pakalpojumiem meklējiet mūsu lapā: Storent.com
Par mums | Storent SIA
STORENT ir 26 nomas punkti piecās valstīs – Latvijā, Lietuvā, Igaunijā, Somijā un Zviedrijā. Tajos tiek nodrošināts 25 dažādu produktu grupas - būvniecībai, industriālajam un privātajam pielietojumam.
What does storent mean? - Definitions.net
Information and translations of storent in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
STORENT | Rent | Lease
+370 610 65 000 The equipment rent for your object starts with Storent. Find everything you need!