ISC - Stork
Stork is a web-based graphical dashboard for your Kea DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 servers. It displays essential operational information in simple and clear tabular format, with easy filtering and sorting. Color highlights make it easy to quickly spot high utilization and failure conditions. Stork features a well-documented web API for automation.
Stork Graphical Management for Kea DHCP - ISC
Stork can enable you to monitor a multi-server DHCP system quickly, making changes in status obvious and easy to spot. Stork provides a web-based graphical interface for monitoring, troubleshooting, and maintaining the configuration of, Kea DHCP servers.
Stork - ISC
ADDRESS. PO Box 360 Newmarket, NH 03857 USA. CONTACT. Email: [email protected]; Phone: +1 650 423 1300; Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
GitHub - isc-projects/stork: Stork is a dashboard for BIND 9 and …
Stork is an open source ISC project providing a monitoring application and dashboard for ISC Kea DHCP and (eventually) ISC BIND 9. A limited configuration management for Kea is available and is expected to grow substantially in the near future. The project is currently in rapid development, with bi-monthly releases rolling out new features.
Stork Quickstart guide - ISC
2023年6月5日 · Installing Stork can seem somewhat confusing at first. The purpose of this quickstart guide is to layout the installation process in steps grouped by package manager or OS. Choose your OS/package manager from the table of contents on the right hand side to jump directly to the section that will cover the installation on your system.
Stork 2.0: Open Source DHCP Management Tool - ISC
2024年11月13日 · Stork is an open source project that provides a web-based graphical interface for monitoring, troubleshooting, and maintaining the configuration of Kea DHCP servers. Stork provides a layer of administrative control for your Kea servers, including integration with LDAP for administrator authentication and authorization.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="aura-blue-light.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.f7e5688c5214a8e5.css">
Ubuntu搭建kea-dhcp 及stork仪表盘监控 - CSDN博客
2023年2月23日 · stork服务有两个软件,一个stork-server另一个stork-agnet. 两者的区别:server为stork仪表盘,可以不安装在kea服务器。收集agent端搜集的数据,整理到web界面显示。需要postgresql数据库提供后端存储。 agent为stork代理端,需要安装在kea服务所在的服务器上。
kea与stork安装配置指南:DHCP服务器与Web仪表盘搭建-CSDN …
2022年5月15日 · 鹳 Stork是由ISC领导的一个新项目,旨在交付ISC BIND 9和ISC Kea DHCP使用和监控仪表板。 它旨在成为Kittiwake和Anterius早期尝试的精神继任者。 它目前正在快速开发中,具有每月发布的新功能。 有关详细信息,请参阅《 或 。 制作说明 运行Stork的最简单方法是使 …
Stork Administrator Reference Manual — Stork 2.0.0 …
Stork is an open source monitoring application and dashboard for ISC’s Kea DHCP; eventually it will be extended to provide similar functionality for ISC’s BIND 9. It is the spiritual successor of the earlier projects Kittiwake and Anterius. This is the reference guide for Stork version 2.0.0.
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