Home - Storm Writing School
Storm Writing School helps you write the best stories you can write through probing study of craft. We interrogate received wisdom and common pieces of writing advice. We don't peddle in one-size-fits-all suggestions.
Storm Writing School
The lessons offered at Storm Writing School combine probing study of story craft with expert teaching to deliver clear explanations and original paradigms that you won't find anywhere else.
Users of this website are required to agree to the following terms: STORM is a research preview from the Stanford OVAL lab. It has limited safety measures and may generate offensive content. It must not be used for any illegal, harmful, violent, racist, or sexual purposes.
Stormwriting: What It Is and Why You Should Try It
2013年4月23日 · Stormwriting is essentially a heartbrainstorm, a process by which you open your heartbrain and provoke it to not merely dump stuff out, but generate new questions and ideas that lead you to more good stuff: The stuff that becomes building blocks for your book. How do you provoke it? In one of my mystery series, my main character is an actress.
一手体验STORM写作系统,这才是AI写作的未来形态。 - 文章 - 开 …
斯坦福刚刚推出了 STORM 进化版,只需输入任何主题,大约需要 3 分钟,它即可扫描数百个网站,撰写一篇总结关键发现的文章。 文章输出类似于维基百科风格,并包含来自验证网络来源的引用,你可以下载为PDF,并免费向所有人开放。 https://storm.genie.stanford.edu/ 进入主页,可以自选模式STORM和Co-STORM。 选择 Co-STORM 圆桌对话模式,这就像是围炉话谈,你可以洞见不同专业的人对同一个话题的看法。 CO-STORM 给我最大的感触不是它能多快生成文章,而 …
【论文解读】STORM:让AI写出高质量长文 - 知乎
核心思想:提出 STORM (Synthesis of Topic Outlines through Retrieval and Multi-perspective Question Asking) 框架,通过检索和多角度提问来合成文章大纲。 人类写作过程:模仿人类写作过程,强调 预写作阶段 的重要性。 学习理论:借鉴人类学习理论,认为 有效的提问 是信息获取的关键。 多角度思考:借鉴商业中的利益相关者理论,认为不同视角有助于更全面地了解主题。 发现不同视角:通过检索相关主题的维基百科文章,发现不同的写作视角。 模拟对话:模拟不同 …
Wilda Storm - Storm Educational Enterprises
Wilda Storm is the founder of Storm Educational Enterprises and is the creator of Write Up A Storm!®, a K – 12 literacy system with an emphasis on writing. She is a published author of over 20 research-based educational books that are in use in hundreds of classrooms in many states.
Author Training - Storm-chan
Our Author Training Program is designed to provide new writers with the tools, resources, and support they need to develop their skills and unleash their creativity. By fostering a nurturing environment, we aim to create a community of talented authors who can contribute to …
20 of the Best Words to Describe a Storm in Writing - Tosaylib
2023年10月20日 · What’s great when searching for words to describe a storm, whether for a storm you are looking to write about in your novel or something else, is that there are endless possibilities. Words to describe how a storm is can vary as there are different aspects you could focus on, and storms can occur in different places.
Research while you write. Our powerful search toolbar brings information from around the web, directly into your writing environment. Improve your sentences by exploring our word-crafting tools, or reference results from Youtube, Wikipedia, Bing, Google Maps +more.