Stormscope - PA23 AZTEC F 250 FSX | P3D - The AVSIM Community
2016年2月17日 · Done a couple of flights, ils approach, Autopilot worked fine, good taxing, all working well, just minor point , can't switch on the stormscope wx-11. The power button doesn't appear to work in p3d v3.1. other than that enjoying it very much. bob Ok solved, the mouse wheel turns it on.
Stormscope - PA23 AZTEC F 250 FSX | P3D - The AVSIM Community
2016年3月16日 · The stormscope was a relatively inexpensive device and would supplement the limitations of a general aviation class radar. If you are old enough to remember, an ADF needle will point to an electrical discharge (lightning).
421 Stormscope not working! Radar Add-on? - AVSIM
2022年7月6日 · Has anyone had anything display on the stormscope? It's not displaying lightning strikes for me with ActiveSky as the weather generator or the native weather. Do you guys know of a good radar add-on for the plane that could work, preferably a panel mounted radar?
Curious about Radar/StormScope gauge coming. - AVSIM
2003年11月27日 · Hi There,Thanks for your question!The radar display component is still heavily in development, and due to some unforseen problems with the original WC2 radar code and FS2004 station-based weather, we have decided to do a completely new radar system from scratch with station-based weather processing in mind.
The Baron's Wx-10A, no indication? - AVSIM
2012年7月23日 · Turned on the Stormscope and got: the 4 moving dots but nothing else. Being suspicious (and because I've had enough trouble with REXE lately that I'm about to throw it against a wall - another story for another place) I backed out of FSX and noted that REXE's display didn't actually show storms where I was sitting, even though the loaded METAR ...
Project WX Storm Scope to MSFSX - MS FSX - AVSIM
2012年1月16日 · Hello friends.I tried everything to get the power status of the cloud around the aircraft to create a StormScope, but so far without success.Below is the code, everything works normally step around the range and altitude of the aircraft of the same, but the array of 64x64 rgbData always been zero. I do not know what else to do.
Captainsim WX Radar Released! - MS FSX | FSX-SE Forum - The …
2009年5月30日 · I was wondering the same thing.However, after attending a seminar a few weeks ago on the merits of radar/stormscope/ and nexrad composite (what is fed on xm radio to weather units like the Garmin 496) I really wish someone would do a xm weather simulator for fs..! Check out my video-landing at Kaiz (click my name-then my videos).
Socata TB-9 and TB-10 from Just Flight released - AVSIM
2016年8月21日 · Stormscope 2D panel improved - gauge bezel and controls added; Vapour lock - outside air temperature now affects likelihood of vapour lock occuring 'Recharge battery' option added to refill menu; Engine management is now disabled by default and can be enabled using the add-on menu