Stopping warning that stricmp has been depreciated. - Experts …
2008年3月17日 · Here is an example of the warning: main.c(5463) : warning C4996: 'stricmp': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _stricmp. See online help for details. c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\string.h(215): see declaration of 'stricmp'
C++ equivalent of stricmp() - Experts Exchange
1999年7月5日 · The simplest way is probably to use stricmp!: string s1("Hello"); string s2("HELLO"); stricmp(s1.c_str(),s2.c_st r()) to reproduce the functionality of stricmp exactly, you need to write a function to do the comparison because the STL algorithm that does the right sort of thing, lexicographical_compare only returns a bool.
Why Does STRCMP Work, But STRCMPI Does Not? - Experts …
2005年7月24日 · Find answers to Why Does STRCMP Work, But STRCMPI Does Not? from the expert community at Experts Exchange
Solved: Windows service when executed gives event log error …
>>>>Are you sure that would be a problem jkr is right. The ServiceCtrlHandler should be able to handle the following control codes: #define SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP 0x00000001 #define SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE 0x00000002 #define SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE 0x00000003 #define SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGAT E 0x00000004 #define …
Solved: 'strcpy_s' : function does not take 2 arguments AND …
2005年5月30日 · Hey! I been a long time browser, but have only just joined - and becuase the google results turn out the best ansers, here are some quistions for you: I am working with the VALVE SOFTWARE MODIFICTION SDK - www.steampowered.com I am converting the code to a 64bit complie, and am useing the VS2005 Beta 2, with Windows 2003 SP1 PSDK I …
Solved: memicmp - Experts Exchange
2006年1月13日 · Find answers to memicmp from the expert community at Experts Exchange
How to register COM dll (to do like regsvr32) from C++ code
I have COM dll based on ATL, and I want to regoster it from C++ application. The simplest way seems to be to Create Process and run there regsvr32 , but I would like to use higer function from Win or COM API.
Using OpenProcess to obatin a valid process handle - Experts …
I am writing an application that is tracking (cpu usage and memory usage) of other applications I wrote. To do this I need to obatin a valid handle to the process I want to track.
case insensitive std::string comparison in std::map - Experts …
2007年12月15日 · I needed a clever and efficient way to do a case insensitive comparison of std::string keys in a std::map. The map is used to match a string to an enum value.
Solved: Help Convert C to Pascal - Experts Exchange
Find answers to Help Convert C to Pascal from the expert community at Experts Exchange