University technology transfer offices - Wikipedia
The structure and organization of TTOs can affect its overall performance and can vary among universities. [1] [16] Since TTOs deal with both academic research and industry, they consist …
To explain the use of terms: the TTO is that part of the university responsible for commercialising university owned intellectual property through the core activities of: attracting and assessing …
Which governance structures are conducive to the performance of …
2024年5月22日 · To address this question, we first identify three types of TTOs governance structures from a theoretical perspective: market-oriented structure TTOs, hierarchy-oriented …
To address this question, we first identify three types of TTOs governance structures from a theoretical perspective: market-oriented struc-ture TTOs, hierarchy-oriented structure TTOs, …
Technology Transfer Organizations - WIPO
While most universities and research institutions have an internal TTO, some have opted for a different organizational structure, which may better fit their local needs and resources. These …
Technology Transfer Offices: a Systematic Review of the ... - Springer
2023年3月28日 · This study presents a systematic literature review on technology transfer offices (TTOs). It attempts to identify and characterize the existing literature that uses TTO as an …
-tion and broker the exchange of knowledge for society’s benefit. This chapter discusses the key elements involved in building a TTO—from structure and stafing t. ex-ternal engagement—and …
What is the best structure for a university’s technology transfer ...
2009年8月6日 · To explain my use of terms: the TTO is responsible for commercialising university-owned intellectual property through the core activities of attracting and assessing …
Technology Transfer Management – The ingredients of a ... - UIIN
2019年4月5日 · The structure of the TTO should allow the TT Officer the flexibility to choose a strategy for each individual case. Related to this, the size of the office can play a significant …
In this advice paper, a set of insights are presented that can underpin universities’ TTO deployment. First of all, university leadership should provide the TTO with the necessary level …