Centurion (tank) - Wikipedia
Strv 101 during exercise at Villingsberg in 1966 Strv 104 at The Tank Museum, Bovington. The designations follows the pattern of main gun calibre in centimetres followed by the service order number. Hence the Strv 81 is read as the first tank with an 8 cm gun, while the Strv 101 is the first tank with a 10 cm gun that was accepted into service ...
装甲战斗车辆编号索引(二)——瑞典篇(中) - 知乎
2021年1月22日 · Strv 106. 瑞典军方曾计划对Strv 101R进行类似Strv 105的升级改装,但没有实施。 Strv 103. Strv S方案的项目成果,由博福斯公司打造的无炮塔坦克,创造性地将自调节液压悬挂和燃气轮机应用到坦克上,并搭载了相对成熟的自动装弹机。网上资料很多不再赘述。 Strv 121
北方不落的三皇冠——瑞典装甲发展史(现代篇) - 知乎
Strv 122的空心装甲附加模块,能为Strv 122提供极强的正面防护能力,相比豹2A5的附加模块进一步提升了对车体侧面和炮塔顶部的防御. 在防御系统上,瑞典的Åkers Krutbruk依照TVM计划中设计的装甲模组块而生产,为Strv 122提供了无可比拟的防御性。
Centurion (stridsvagn) – Wikipedia
Centurion ingick i det svenska försvaret åren 1953–2000, då den successivt ersattes av tyska Leopard 2 (Strv 121 och Strv 122). Centurion i Sverige fanns i versionerna: 1953: stridsvagn 81 (C III) – Centurion mark 3 inköpta från brittiska lager 1953, ursprungligen med Besa-kulsprutor, senare med svenska ksp m/39.
The final Swedish Centurion: Strv 105
2021年10月28日 · The Strv 105 was in many ways an upgraded strv 104. The tank kept the applique armor and reworked Engie deck introduced with the Strv 104 but further improved mobility and night fighting capabilities.
Stridsvagn 104 MBT 1953 - tank-afv.com
Strv.105/106 Two prototypes were built: One Strv.102R (105) with upgraded suspension and other elements, and another of the 101R type (106). Strv-104 showing its ERA blocks, part of the 1980s REMO ("REnovering och MOdifiering") package. Specifications of the Strv.104
Stridsvagn Centurion i Sveriges försvarsmakt – Wikipedia
Stridsvagnarna stationerades vid Skånska dragonregementet (P 2) med beteckningen strv 81 (numret 81 visar att det var den första svenska stridsvagnen med 8 cm kanonkaliber). År 1955 inköptes 160 Centurion Mark 5 för att uppgradera pansarbrigaderna.
Stridsvagn 104 (Strv 104) Main Battle Tank (MBT) - Military Factory
2018年9月25日 · "Strv 105" was a proposed update to the Strv 102R with a new FCS and suspension system - though only a sole prototype was made. The "Strv 106" was another proposed form, based on the Strv 101R, and also given an updated suspension.
环保少女(五)——战争雷霆未来可能(骗)出(氪)的载具:Strv …
Strv 105C则是在原型车的基础上增加 了热成像,升级了发射APFSDS的能力;直接换装了新型号爆反(Strv 104的同款新型号爆反)也就是说和金币车CV 90105同样两种钢针呗。但改造计划太贵了。
strv 81-105 Centurion - gotlandsforsvarsmuseum.se
Planerat var att strv 102 och 104 skulle modifieras till strv 105, troligen även strv 101 (106), men inköpen av Leopard strv 121 och 122 gjorde att detta inställdes. Att även bgbv 81 skulle förses med dieselmotor var planerat.
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