北方不落的三皇冠——瑞典装甲发展史(现代篇) - 知乎
Strv 121采用了一套生产自萨博公司的一套“梭子鱼”拟态迷彩网,能为Strv 121车体散射雷达回波并降低红外特征,提升了Strv 121整体的防御能力。
Strv 121 | War Thunder Wiki
The Strv 121 is the Swedish designation for the Leopard 2A4, leased from Germany in early 1994 to replace the aging Strv 103 and the Strv 104. A total of 160 Strv 121s were acquired from the …
Pre-Order: Centauro RGO and Strv 121B Christian II
2024年2月22日 · Today we’re announcing two vehicles that can be pre-ordered before the next major update: the Centauro RGO wheeled light tank that’s in service with the Royal Guard of …
Christian II | War Thunder Wiki
The Christian II was an upgrade package for the Strv 121 to meet the standards of the Strv 122. However, due to the Defence Act 2004, most Strv 121 s were already in storage since the …
装甲战斗车辆编号索引(二)——瑞典篇(中) - 知乎
2021年1月22日 · Strv 81换用了国产105毫米L74型坦克炮后改名为Strv 102,配备了两台Ra 421型无线电台,其装甲相比Strv 101要薄弱不少。 80年代Strv 102也进行了升级改装,首先便将装 …
Strv 122主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Strv 122主战坦克(Stridsvagn 122) 是瑞典的主战坦克,与德国豹2A5一样,以德国豹2改进型为基础,运用了指挥、控制和火控系统和强化装甲等新技术。
Stridsvagn 121 / Stridsvagn 122 - GlobalSecurity.org
Once in Sweden, the wagons went through technical review, were painted in Swedish camouflage pattern and supplied with Swedish radio systems before they were subsequently put into use. …
STRV121B的改进内容 - 哔哩哔哩
很多人觉得121B不是121换皮,而是加强了装甲防护,甚至还有人说增强到了122水平,这里我在一个瑞典论坛上找到了2004年关于121B的讨论,有人给出了改进内容,机翻,自己看吧,我 …
Strv 121B "Christian II" - War Thunder — official forum
2024年2月12日 · The one I’m suggesting is the Strv 121B, which also had a nickname “Christian II”. The Strv 121B externally has the same GALIX smoke discharger we see on the Strv 122, …
Strv 121B Christian II Pack - Gaijin.Net Store
The Strv 121B is a prototype MBT developed with the goal of upgrading the Strv 121 to the Strv 122 standard. New electronics were installed, as well as modern smoke grenade launchers. …