Combat Vehicle 90 - Wikipedia
The Combat Vehicle 90 (CV90) (Swedish: stridsfordon 90 ⓘ, strf 90 or Stridsfordon 90) is a family of Swedish tracked armoured combat vehicles designed by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV), Hägglund & Söner and Bofors during the mid-1980s to early 1990s, before entering service in Sweden in the mid-1990s. The CV90 platform ...
Stridsfordon 90 – Wikipedia
Stridsledningsfordon (Eng. FCV - Forward Command Vehicle): Stridsledningspansarbandvagn 90, kort Stripbv 90, är en samband- och ledningsversion av Stridsfordon 90 som används av brigad- eller bataljonschefer för att kunna leda mekaniserade förband från en framskjuten position.
Combat Vehicle 90 | Entire CV90 history, operators & all variants
Commonly referred to as the Combat Vehicle 90, the CV90 is a family of Swedish Tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicles developed from the Stridsfordon 9040 aka Strf 9040, built by the former company Hägglunds, now part of BAE Systems AB.
Strf 9040C - War Thunder Wiki
The Strf 9040C is a modernized version of the Strf 9040, developed by BAE Systems Hägglunds in Sweden. Compared to the A and B versions, the Strf 9040C comes with a new turret with improved protection, enhancing the survivability and situational awarenes…
北方不落的三皇冠——瑞典装甲发展史(现代篇) - 知乎
Strv 122为每个乘员位配备的Ra180无线电台,瑞典爱立信公司除了为Strv 122装备了这台电台之外,还配备了一套LST 90内部交流系统 而另外一个重大改进,则是瑞典用法国GIAT公司开发生产的80.5mm口径Galix烟雾弹系统取代了德国原装的烟雾弹系统。
Combat Vehicle 90 / Stridsfordon 90 (CV90 / Strf 90 - Military Factory
2023年1月19日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Combat Vehicle 90 / Stridsfordon 90 (CV90 / Strf 90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) / Light Tank including pictures.
Stridsfordon 90 - Försvarsmakten
Stridsfordon 90 är ett bandgående stridsfordon och har ett torn som är vridbart horisonten runt. Besättningen består av en vagnchef, en förare och en skytt. Stridsfordon 90 under övning på Tofta skjutfält.
装甲战斗车辆编号索引(二)——瑞典篇(中) - 知乎
2021年1月22日 · Strv 81换用了国产105毫米L74型坦克炮后改名为Strv 102,配备了两台Ra 421型无线电台,其装甲相比Strv 101要薄弱不少。 80年代Strv 102也进行了升级改装,首先便将装甲厚度提升到Strv 101的水平,改装后改名为Strv 102R。
Strv 122主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1994年,瑞典政府决定购买120辆新的生产坦克和160辆旧的豹2A4,作为新坦克完成之前的权宜之计。瑞典服役的豹2A4被命名为Strv 121,而新生产的则被命名为Strv 122。在120辆Strv 122中,29辆由克劳斯-玛菲·威格曼制造,其他91辆由博福斯和Hägglunds制造。 [6]
Strf 9040 BILL | War Thunder Wiki
Since its introduction in early 1998, the Strf 9040 was criticized for its lack of guided munitions against tanks; most IFVs like the Marder, the BMP-2, and the Bradley used ATGMs to engage heavily armoured targets. Thus, a demonstrator was ordered, usin…