Landsverk L-60 - Wikipedia
L-60 S/V (Strv m/40K) - 80 ordered in 1942 and delivered in 1944 by Karlstads Mekaniska Verkstad (Karlstad Mechanical Engineering), a subcontractor that assembled the tanks. Armed with a 37 mm m/38 Bofors gun, armour up to 50 mm. The L-60 was licensed by the Hungarian Weiss Manfréd company for the Hungarian army.
Stridsvagn m/40 (Strv m/40) Light Tank - Military Factory
2019年2月1日 · Stridsvagn Strv m/40K - Karlsverk model; 10.9 combat weight; 4-50mm armor protection; Scania-Varbis L603 engine of 162 horsepower; 80 units produced. Global customers who have evaluated and/or operated the Stridsvagn m/40 (Strv m/40). Nations are displayed by flag, each linked to their respective national land systems listing.
Tanks of Sweden - Wikipedia
The L-60 was adopted by the Swedish army in 4 main variants: Stridsvagn m/38, Stridsvagn m/39, Stridsvagn m/40L and Stridsvagn m/40K. The most significant Swedish tank development during the war was the Stridsvagn m/42 (Strv m/42) a medium tank it fielded with a 75 mm L/34 gun, the first of its size in a Swedish tank.
Stridsvagn m/40K : Sweden (SWE) - armedconflicts.com
The vehicle had a different engine, the Scania-Vabis 603/3 (8470 cc) with an output of 162 hp at 2300 rpm and, unlike the L version, homogeneous armour up to 50 mm thick. The tanks were gradually delivered until September 1944 and were equipped to …
北欧装甲传奇(十一)——瑞典轻型坦克发展史(三) - 知乎
Strv m/40重约9吨,配备一台斯堪尼亚-瓦比斯1664型142马力发动机,最大时速为46公里。 该坦克的主武器为一门37毫米博福斯m/38型反坦克炮,辅以2挺Ksp m/39型8毫米车载机枪。
Stridsvagn m/40 (Strv m/40): Photos, History, Specification
The Stridsvagn Strv m/40 light tank was the first Swedish main battle tank to be ordered in viable quantities - its total production was 180. The design is an evolution of the original L-60 tank that emerged from work beginning in 1934.
北欧装甲传奇—瑞典经典轻型坦克兰德斯维克L-60 - Sina.cn
2018年10月29日 · Strv m/40L在当时堪称世界一流轻型坦克,共生产了100辆,构成了瑞典陆军装甲部队的主力。 之后,L-60的终极型号——L-60 S/5定型,入役后获得了Strv m/40K的军方名称,共生产了80辆。
“三管小怪兽”瑞典测试Strv m/40轻型坦克 - 百家号
2017年12月20日 · 1941年,瑞典军方正在测试Strv m/40轻型坦克。 这种轻型坦克炮塔安装了一挺20mm机关炮和两挺机枪,因为直径都差不多,所以看上去就像有三根炮管。 这种坦克是在Strv m/38的基础上研制成功的,而后者是当时瑞典军队的主要装备型号。 通过测试后,Strv m/40在Landsverk工厂开始生产。 1943年,随着产量的扩大,Kalrstad工厂开始接收一部分Landsverk无法完成的订单。 因此Strv m/40K就这样诞生了,K代表Kalrstad工厂生产的Strv m/40坦克。 …
Stridsvagn m/40 - Tanks in World War 2
2010年11月5日 · The Stridsvagn m/40 was produced by Landsverk under the designation Landsverk L-60. It was the first tank in the world to use a torsion bar suspension, and was sold to several countries, including Hungary who made a license-produced version with …
Strv m/40L:回顾,特点,对比 - WoT Asia
首批次100辆战车得到了装甲和新式传动设备的增强。 这次改装由AB Landsverk执行,这是战车被命名为Strv m/40L的原因。 而后来,战车改由Karlstad工厂接手,并改为使用更强的发动机、悬挂系统和装甲。 而这部分战车则被命名为 Strv m/40K。