Stridsvagn m/21-29 - tank-afv.com
The modernized Strv m/21-29 This was an improved version of the m/21, with five vehicles upgraded in 1929. These modifications included a more powerful Scania-Vabis engine, heavier armor and a 37 mm (1.46 in) gun or two machine-guns.
二战瑞典坦克全集(1) - 哔哩哔哩
2023年10月10日 · 一、Strv m/21轻型坦克. 借着一战机会,瑞典成功从德国那里搞到了十辆LK-2轻型坦克,之后又将其改名为“Stridsvagn m/21”,其中“Stridsvagn”就是瑞典语中坦克的意思。从这时开始瑞典就算是拥有自己的坦克了,不过当时并没有组建成坦克部队,而是一个训练部队。
瑞典Strv m/21坦克,北欧第一辆轻型战车诞生记_百科TA说
重新设计的Strv m/21坦克于1930年成功交付给军方,在1931年至1934年之间恩厄尔霍尔姆又设计了3种不同型号的坦克,编号为35、2、5号坦克;除了恩厄尔霍尔姆以外,兰德斯维克公司也设计了两辆坦克编号为35、7号坦克。
【讲堂409期】瑞典的第一款坦克-Strv m21轻型坦克,发动机前 …
【讲堂409期】瑞典的第一款坦克-Strv m21轻型坦克,发动机前置,炮塔高高在上, 视频播放量 10661、弹幕量 29、点赞数 255、投硬币枚数 36、收藏人数 59、转发人数 6, 视频作者 武器大讲堂, 作者简介 地球科技应用在军事领域!
Strv M/21 and M/29 Light Tanks – Army Tanks
2019年2月17日 · The Strv M/21 light tank was a Swedish tank that was designed by Joseph Vollmer, a German engineer who moved to Sweden after World War I. Vollmer had previously designed the German LK I and LK II tanks, and the Strv M/21 resembled them very closely.
LK II - Wikipedia
In 1929, five were rebuilt to create the Strv m/21-29 variant which was armed with a 37mm gun or two machine guns and was powered by a Scania-Vabis engine. The Strv m/21-29 was an upgraded version of the fm/21. The modifications included a more powerful engine, a new alternator, and external lighting. [2]
Stridsvagn m/21 (Strv m/21) Light Tank - Military Factory
2019年2月1日 · Unlike the cannon armed LK II vehicles of the Germans, the Strv m/21 was outfitted with 2 x 6.5mm Madsen ksp m/14 machine guns. Its combat weight was 9.7 tons and length was 19 feet with a width of 6.7 feet and height of 8.3 feet. Road speeds peaked at 10 miles per hour. Another change was the addition of a fourth crew member.
Strv fm/21:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
1929-1932 年間,該車輛進行了現代化並得到更強大的引擎及改良型正面裝甲。所有現代化後的車輛被命名為 Stridsvagn m/21-29 並被用作訓練用途直到 1940 年為止。 Strv fm/21 影片評論涵蓋了主要車輛特性及其戰鬥表現。
Stridsvagn m/21-29 – Wikipedia
Stridsvagn m/21-29 (Strv m/21-29) är en svensk stridsvagn, ombyggd från Stridsvagn fm/21. Fem vagnar, två stycken av AB Landsverk och tre stycken av NOHAB, moderniserades i början av 1930-talet. De betecknades stridsvagn m/21-29 och tjänstgjorde fram till krigsutbrottet 1939. [1]
Stridsvagn m/21 (Strv m/21): Photos, History, Specification
Unlike the German artillery LK II vehicles, the Strv m/21 was armed with 2 x 6.5mm Madsen ksp m/14 machine guns. It has a combat weight of 9.7 tons and measures 19 feet long, 6.7 feet wide and 8.3 feet high.
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