Landsverk L-60 - Wikipedia
The L-60 was progressively improved with several turrets, engines and guns offered by Landsverk. The L-60 entered the international market in 1935 and was eventually adopted by the Swedish army in 4 main variants: Stridsvagn (Strv) m/38, Stridsvagn m/39, Stridsvagn m/40L and Stridsvagn m/40K.
Stridsvagn m/40 – Wikipedia
Stridsvagn m/40, förkortat strv m/40, var en svensk stridsvagn från början av 1940-talet konstruerad av AB Landsverk baserad på deras exportstridsvagn L-60. Den kom att byggas i 2 primära varianter baserat på fabrikör. Grundkonstruktionen för strv m/40-LI var en L-60D men med luftintaget för motorn flyttat framåt på vagnen.
Strv M/40, M/41 and M/42 Light Tanks - Army Tanks
2019年2月17日 · The Strv M/40 was a three-man tank, with a 1.46 inch (37mm) main gun and two coaxial 0.315 inch (8mm) machine guns. A Scania-Vabis 142 horsepower 6-cylinder engine powered the Strv M/40. It could travel at a maximum speed of …
Stridsvagn m/40 (Strv m/40) - Military Equipment Guide With …
The Stridsvagn Strv m/40 light tank was the first Swedish main battle tank to be ordered in viable quantities - its total production was 180. The design is an evolution of the original L-60 tank that emerged from work beginning in 1934. The series eventually included …
Stridsvagn m/40 (Strv m/40) Light Tank - Military Factory
2019年2月1日 · The Stridsvagn Strv m/40 Light Tank was the first Swedish combat tank to be ordered in useful quantity - its total manufacture output running 180 vehicles. The design was a further evolution of the original L-60 tank which emerged from work begun in 1934. The line ultimately included the Strv m/38, Strv m/39, and the still-to-come Strv m/42.
Strv m/40L | War Thunder Wiki
The Strv m/40L solves most of the weaknesses in early Swedish tanks like the Strv m/38 and m/39. The upgraded armour is good enough to protect from autocannon fire and even stop some low penetration shells like solid AP shots from 37 or even 40 mm cannons.
2018年5月8日 · m40系列是在挪威战役之后,瑞典军方为了应对日益紧张的安全局势而研发的。 它们在m39的基础上更换了一座全新设计的炮塔,使用一门37mm博福斯反坦克炮以及两挺麦德森m39机枪,而炮塔上最大的改进之处莫过于非常实用的车长指挥塔
瑞典战车发展之路 - 360doc.com
2019年1月31日 · m40一共有两种变体,一个是上面的m40L,基本沿袭了m39的性能参数,而另一种是m40K,一种大大强化的完全体。 Strv m40 的立体图片,注意炮塔的新变化 L-60 S/V (Strv m/40K)
【战雷情报】——Strv m/40L|芝士速译 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
The Strv m/40 is a hardy tank that straddles the line between ranks I and II. Its interesting appearance with its twin machine guns at the front of the turret, good defence throughout almost the entire frontal area, and decent acceleration dynamics ensure that all testers of Swedish ground units will remember this tank for a long time to come.
strv m/40 – Swedish tank archives
2014年2月1日 · A strv m/40L belonging to 1. armékåren on exercises in Skåne, September 1942. Note the hay drying in the background.
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