Stridsvagn 103 - Wikipedia
The Stridsvagn 103 (Strv 103), also known as the Alternative S and S-tank, [4] is a Swedish Cold War-era main battle tank, designed and manufactured in Sweden. [5] " Strv" is the Swedish military abbreviation of stridsvagn , Swedish for tank (literally combat wagon , it also is the Swedish word for chariot ), while the 103 comes from being the ...
Stridsvagn 122 - Wikipedia
Stridsvagn 122 (strv 122, IPA: [ˈstrɪ̂tːsvaŋn] ⓘ) [a] is a Swedish main battle tank that, like the German Leopard 2A5, is based on the German Leopard 2 Improved variant using such newer technology as command, control, and fire-control systems, reinforced armour, and long-term combat capacity.
Strv 122主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Strv 122主战坦克(Stridsvagn 122) 是瑞典的主战坦克,与德国豹2A5一样,以德国豹2改进型为基础,运用了指挥、控制和火控系统和强化装甲等新技术。 从外观上看,该车与豹2A5的区别在于法制GALIX烟雾弹发射器、不同的储物箱和较厚的乘员舱口。 [4] 在新的瑞典主战坦克项目Strv 2000(2000年后服役)被驳回后, [5] 瑞典政府于1991年决定采购一款外国主战坦克,以取代当时服役的 Strv 101、Strv 102 、 Strv 103 和 Strv 104。 在“Strv Ny”项目期间,三款坦克型号被 …
Stridsvagn 74 - Wikipedia
Stridsvagn 74 (strv 74) was a Swedish light tank [1] in use with the Swedish Army from 1958 to 1984. It was a modification of the older stridsvagn m/42 medium tank, which was phased out of service in the early 1950s.
S型戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
S型戰車 (英語: S-Tank),全称 103型坦克 (瑞典語: Stridsvagn 103,简称 Strv-103),是 瑞典 研製的 主戰坦克 (詹式年鑑 同時將其分類為 驅逐戰車),其特點是不採用傳統的炮塔設計,坦克砲由變速箱控制兩條履帶的速度進行轉向,射擊高低角度由車體的油壓懸吊系統負責。 本車自1950年代開始研發,同時裝有柴油引擎及燃氣渦輪引擎,令Strv103成為第一款使用燃氣渦輪引擎的戰車,但只用於加速及高速行駛。 無砲塔造就了這台低矮造型、高強度人員防護的防禦 …
Strv 74坦克 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
Stridsvagn 74,常縮寫為 Strv 74 (Stridsvagn在 瑞典語 中意為坦克、戰車),是一款瑞典於20世紀50年代研發、生產的 中型坦克。 該坦克於1958年入役,一直服役到1984年方才退役 [2]。 1960年代後,瑞典陸軍的一線部隊逐漸撤裝Strv 74坦克,改用更現代的坦克。 從1970年代起,一些Strv 74坦克的炮塔陸續被拆下,安裝到固定炮塔座上當作堡壘炮塔使用 [3]。 Strv 74木製炮塔原型車。 1950年代,瑞典曾從法國購入 AMX-13 輕型坦克。 但AMX-13坦克具有裝甲薄弱等一 …
Strv 122A | War Thunder Wiki
The Stridsvagn 122A is the Swedish first subvariant for the Leopard 2A5, which is the sixth variant of the Leopard 2 main battle tank family. The Stridsvagn 122A is distinguished from the Leopard 2A5 largely by the French GALIX smoke dispensers, different …
Strv 122 - IIWiki
2023年11月21日 · The Stridsvagn 122 Masada, also known by its MoD designation CV74120, is a main battle tank developed by Landsverk ASA for the Acrean Armed Forces. It first entered production in 1971 and entered service as Strv 122 the …
Strv 105 | War Thunder Wiki
The Strv 105 was an upgraded version of the Strv 102R, with improved suspension for the tracks, thermal cameras, and new driver hatch. The Strv 105 was decided in the 1990s to complement FVM's procurement of acquiring new tanks for the Swedish armed forces.
Christian II | War Thunder Wiki
The Christian II was an upgrade package for the Strv 121 to meet the standards of the Strv 122. However, due to the Defence Act 2004, most Strv 121s were already in storage since the 2000s due to the widespread adoption of the Strv 122, which rendered th…