Super T-Spin Double - Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
Super T-Spin Double or short STSD is a technique that results in two T-Spin Doubles. The technique is often used in mid-game. It can also be used as an opener but receiving garbage …
Short for S uper T - S pin D ouble. This setup yields 2 T-Spin Doubles. Most STSDs are built by recognizing a 3-column, 3-row empty space and then placing a J / L in it.
STSD - 俄罗斯方块中文维基
Super T-Spin Double,简称 STSD,是一个 TSD 后接 TSD 的复合构造。 STSD 的一大特征是比 TST 最下一行少一格,其他形状、屋檐、踢墙方法都相同。 适合搭建 STSD 的特征地形是三列 …
STSD setups - TetrisWiki
2020年2月1日 · An STSD setup can be used over an empty column. This can be very useful when approaching rows that are too high to set up a TSD or if the player wants to sneak in a …
T-Spin Guide | TETRIS-FAQ - winterNebs.github.io
STSD is popular setup that is often misused. STSD is an extremely space efficient setup, cramming in 2 tsds into a 3x3 area, which is why a lot of people like to use it. You get the most …
Frenzzy's Tetris Database - Practical midgame t spin setups
The most common T-spin setup, also abbreviated as "TSD" and also known as simply a T-spin. This clears 2 lines and sends 4 lines to your opponent and leaves behind a clean residue. …
60 Second Setups - Super T Spin Double (STSD) - YouTube
2019年12月28日 · Super T-Spin doubles (also known as STSDS) are very important to know as they work as very good spiking tools in competitive Tetris. Here's how to learn them in 60 …
STSD(Super T-Spin Double) - テトリス堂
2020年7月18日 · ここでは、 STSD (Super T-Spin Double) という、TSDを2回打つことができる中盤テンプレについて紹介していきます。 ※投稿主であるI凜さんに許可を得た上で動画を …
STSD - Tetris Wiki
An STSD setup can be used over an empty column. This can be very useful when approaching rows that are too high to set up a TSD or if the player wants to sneak in a second T-Spin …
STSD+ - Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
STSD+ requires 2 bags to setup. By doing the T-spin Single Mini before the setup is completed, no T-pieces have to be wasted. The right notch and overhang are made in a similar way as a …